Life By Design Podcast
To say that the recent events (more so the reactions to said events) haven't shaken up our lives, would be a tremendous understatement.
We all react differently to stress and stress impacts us differently depending on where we are in our lives.
If you're in a better spot - great relationships, support and solid finances... you will handle your stress better then someone who has poor relationships and no support.
One of the things we all have experienced from this current crisis, is the development of habits and routines that we know are not helping us reach the best in our lives.
Whether it be sleeping in, more alcohol consumption, poorer nutrition, less exercise; for one reason or another, we've developed habits that we would like to change.
But how do we do that?
On today's episode of Life By Design, we looking more deeply into creating habits. We use Charles Duhigg's fantastic book, The Power of Habit, as a framework to view this subject.
What We Cover
  • The human mind and automation.
  • How and why we depend and need habits and routines to function.
  • The three components (yes, there are four, but let's keep it simple) that constitute a habit and how most of the books and thinking around changing a habit are focused on the wrong component. This is where, in Duhigg's opinion, most people mess up their new habit forming work.
  • What you can do to create new habits that you'll be proud to have.
  • Why it might not be the right time to create new habits and that's OK.
Direct download: 387_Habits.mp3
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