Life By Design Podcast
Relationship stress or hardship ranks as the #1 form of stress that you are probably experiencing. The problem with relationship stress is that it hardly ever happens overnight. It's usually months or years of neglect, unhappiness, and other forms of stress that cause problems.
Your values in life are rarely destinations, they are a journey.
Happiness is an example.
No matter how happy (or unhappy) you are today, it WILL change tomorrow, in a week and even in a year. So if you want to be happy, you always have to give it some attention.
Relationships are much the same.
If you value your marriage, friendships, and kids, it should make sense that you would use your time to grow these relationships.
Unfortunately, this can be very difficult.
We have 2 kids, 4 businesses, I'm gone all day and don't get home until 7pm at night. This sometimes makes it feel like my wife is my roommate and not my life partner.
Trust me when I tell you that I get it.
But, since I value my wife and our marriage, I make sure that I give it some attention so it can continue to grow.
I came across this article in the Huffington Post about the 8 Things The Happiest Couples Do, and I thought it was worth a share and a conversation.
What we covered:
  • What you do is NOT important. The devil is NOT in the details. The important thing is that you do something.
  • Planning is the key. Stop wishing for things to change and start following a system to get results.
  • Stop comparing your relationship to others. It's ok to use others as motivation for what you are trying to create, but don't obsess about how 'things should be' especially in the age of social media.
  • Treat your relationship like a business deal. I know that might sound harsh but the reality is, asking the question 'what's in this for me' is the key for a long term and happy relationship.
Direct download: 214_8_Things_The_Happiest_Couples_Do.mp3
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