Life By Design Podcast
If you are confused about your diet let me come right out and say it...
I don’t blame you.
There has been so much written, re-written, said, taken back… One day gluten is bad, then it’s not. One day cholesterol is bad, then it’s not…
Now we are getting to point where we are throwing standards out the window as well.
Claims like ‘Nothing is good or bad for you’ and ‘Everything in moderation’ are the standard and today’s article is not different.
To be clear there are a lot of valuable points and ideas covered, however there is also the usual blank-outs and context drops that we would see from something like this.
Here is what we cover:
1) Good or Bad depends on a standard and a goal… What is your goal?
2) The fact that there IS objectivity in the world of nutrition, despite what people may think, or worse… say.
3) How to arm your brain with the right information that will help you.


Direct download: 155_There_is_No_Such_Thing_As_a_Clean_Diet.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:13pm EDT