Life By Design Podcast (general)

When I tell people what we eat, their first response is...

"That sounds pretty restricted!"

After which I ask them what they had for breakfast today?


And the day prior?


How about for the foreseeable future?


You get the idea.

Most people are already eating a fairly restricted diet, only with poor food choices!

So, what the heck do we, at Life By Design, eat ourselves?

On today's episode of Life By Design we cover that question and answer a few more.

What We Cover

  • How many different food types will you find in an A+ diet?
  • Why Mike's (yes I said Mike, he made a return to the show) situation may be unique and what you can still learn from it.
  • Most people know "what" to eat but still fail to follow guidelines...why?
  • What Jamie eats.
  • What Mike eats.
Direct download: 413.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

How is it possible for a simple, seemingly logical statement, to have the capacity to lead to such potentially detrimental outcomes?

That is the crux of the problem.

This statement, while appearing innocuous, is far from it.

What is this cliche we've all said at one time or another?

"Everything in moderation."

I know.

It just doesn't seem like an issue... right?

On this episode of Life By Design we delve deeper into this slogan and it's possible negative effects. 

What we covered

  • The way you challenge the basis of a concept is at the edges. At the extremes, the flaws or strength of a statement become more obvious. Cocaine in moderation?
  • Let's assume this statement slips into your belief system without detection... what potential actions would follow? We discuss some examples.
  • This would be a much better way to tackle the problems our "slogan" is trying to solve. A way that leads to taking more responsibility instead of passing it off and succumbing to the ill effects that'll follow.



Direct download: 412.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:31pm EDT

One way to stack the deck in favour of the highest quality sleep experience is to craft the perfect restoration routine.

A routine is a series of actions done repeatedly.

Not all routines are helpful, or move you towards a predetermined goal, they’re simply routines due to repetition.

You’ll see routines, even rituals, a more intentional form of routine, among many high achievers across a variety of professions.

What makes routines so impactful is the ability to automate them and require little to no willpower.

This makes consistency easier and as such, the opportunity for a maximum return even more likely.

On today's episode of Life By Design I shared my Perfect Restoration Routine in hope it would spark you to do the same!

What I Covered:

  • A 4 step process to creating a routine. This can be applied to anything, not just sleep!
  • How to best prepare your body to maximize sleep quality and set the stage for productivity.
  • What are the nutrient needs involved to enhance restorative sleep?
  • The two additions I made to my sleep hygiene in the past 6 months that have been making a surprising and positive impact.


Direct download: 411.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:25am EDT

Salt is bad for you!


Or is it?

Now I'm confused.

That's OK...

Most of us have been convinced that salt consumption is something that must be restricted at all costs.

Too much salt increases the risk for heart disease and stroke, damages the kidneys and will lead to early death.

That's scary!

But what is the truth?

Have we been told a lie?

It always.

On today's episode of Life By Design we talk about salt.

What I Covered:

  • Using research done on "sick people" is not entirely applicable to healthy people.
  • Why do most heart and stroke associations restrict sodium intake to such extreme levels?
  • What is the purpose of sodium in our body?
  • How much salt is the right amount of salt?
  • Who should restrict their salt intake?
  • What's the best type of salt to consume?


Direct download: 410.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Most people assume they'll know when they have a problem with their spine.

The criteria is simple... it hurts!

Until that point, the spine is just a bag of bones doing it's job to keep us upright.

Imagine if that's how we thought about our teeth?

All good until your tooth hurts.

How about the heart?

No problem here, until the first heart attack that is.

The list could go on...

When it comes to the body, there's so much more going on than meets the eye.

If we depend on pain to give us an alert that a problem exists, we'll end up waiting for too long and in some cases, it can even be too late.

On today's episode of Life By Design I talk about the most "obvious" causes of spinal problems and one significant but less considered possibility.

What I Covered:

  • How the spine works and why it's more important than you've probably ever realized.
  • When do symptoms first appear? What should you do?
  • Problem #1: obvious but less of a problem than expected.
  • Problem #2: a much bigger source of spinal problems but far underappreciated.
  • Problem #3: the most difficult to understand and comprehend of all spinal problems.
  • The Missing Link: the answer to nearly every spinal problem, or at least the starting point!



Direct download: 409_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

One of the most under appreciated facets of health is the gut.

In the past, the digestive system was seen as a simple system.

Food entered and left one long tube, only to be digested and nutrients absorbed along the way.

Now, an incredible amount of research is accumulating to establish the gut as a primary focus for disease reversal and health optimization.

The "gut" is referring to the micro organisms living inside the intestines.

This biome includes 100's of different species of bacteria working together to produce a healthy environment.

On today's episode of Life By Design, we discuss what to do and not to do when it comes to improving your gut health. 

What We Covered:

  • What is the gut and why is it important?
  • Signs of an unhealthy gut.
  • How to start enhancing gut repair and healing


Direct download: 408_How_To_Heal_Your_Gut.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55pm EDT

Germs are a part of the world we live in and are necessary to a healthy productive human life.
Bacteria plays a vital role in our normal physiology and not all types should be feared or avoided.
It's one of those things that belong in the 'optimize' category.
This means you want to avoid deadly or harmful bacteria while maximizing the 'good' or beneficial bacteria that you want.
It's one of the reasons that probiotics are a Life By Design recommended supplement; many of us have been on countless antibiotic prescriptions and have not given our body the time to recover and regrow our normal, natural flora.
This can play out in many ways.
See the attached study where probiotics given to women with recurrent urinary tract infections, helped the rate, and intensity subside to the point where probiotics are being considered as a potential treatment option for recurrent urinary tract infections in women.
But that's not the point of the podcast.
The naysayers will say, and rightly so in this case, that we need more research and that more study is required to make a decision.
But that's not the point, which is exactly the point of the podcast
What We Cover:
  • The study and why it's cool and important for you to understand.
  • Why treatment protocols are not the purpose of supplements and why you shouldn't judge your health by symptoms.
  • Strategies and requirements and why that's so important for you and your family.
Direct download: 407.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Does vitamin D have any positive direct effect on the immune system?
That's the question we seek to answer this week on Life By Design.
We are using direct to mean, if you take Vitamin D, is there any data pointing out that you may have a decreased chance of contracting the flu?
There is already data and professional hypotheses on how people with "pre-existing" autoimmune diseases have an increased risk of developing the full-blown autoimmune disease if they are Vitamin D deficient.
This week we present a study, and randomized controlled trial, from Japan. The researchers followed school-aged children through flu season (December - March), giving half of the 340 student sample size Vitamin D while the other half received the placebo. 
What We Cover
  • The study, it's results, a general discussion, and what those results could mean for you and your family's health.
  • Why we think you should be taking Vitamin D...don't think the real reason is the avoidance of disease. Avoiding disease only gets you to zero; we're hoping you can be so much more than just that.
  • We don't guess we test - how much Vitamin D should you be taking, despite the conflicting data and how you know you're taking enough?
  • What are the best sources for Vitamin D and how to get it.
  • The difference between a food and a supplement and why it's important to know the difference.
Direct download: 406.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Despite a growing body of evidence, the peanut gallery still repeats the mantra...
"There's no evidence to 'prove' Chiropractic works."
Of course, when asked what is meant by 'evidence' and 'works', there is no clear response, yet the same tired rhetoric continues.
In this episode, we will review these claims, discuss what does and doesn't exist in Chiropractic, and review a newly published study.
A Randomized Control Trial (remember, they tell us these ones are the best) study, performed at the Naval Hospital in Pensacola, Florida found that soldiers who had Chiropractic care for 4 months had:
Improved strength
Improved balance
Improved endurance
And short term improvements to low back pain.
The study involved 110 active military personal, 86% of those had low back pain for greater than three months, and 66% of which had back pain for longer than one year.
The soldiers were divided into two groups the active group and the wait list group. The active group received chiropractic care for four months.
It's always nice to see documented evidence of 'other' nerve system related phenomenon (strength and balance) improving. 
Yet, more evidence to support the idea that Corrective Chiropractic is more about keeping your spine and nerve system healthy and all the benefits that brings.
What We Cover
  • The study and its results.
  • Possible mechanisms for the results.
  • Where the study falls short.
  • How you can apply this information to make you and your family's life better.
  • What conditions chiropractic can treat.
  • Why we believe there is so much hate for chiropractic... still!
Direct download: 405.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:20am EDT

There was, and maybe it's still being circulated on your social media feeds, a meme that goes something like this:
"Losing weight is hard; being overweight is hard; choose your hard."
"Being broke is hard; Becoming rich is hard; choose your hard."
"Change is hard; staying the same is hard; choose your hard."
You get the idea.
There was just something unsettling enough about this meme that warranted us to have a conversation and discussion about it and this podcast is the result of that conversation.
So what, who cares, right?
We believe you'll care because your ideas and beliefs literally dictate your life, your happiness, what you believe is possible for yourself and all else.
So to accept or dismiss an idea without properly thinking about it and breaking it down is extremely detrimental to your life.
What we cover
  • Why context is king and why before accepting any slogan, no matter how it makes you feel, it must be especially considered and analyzed.
  • Why ideas matter and why your beliefs will literally dictate, over time, the quality of your life and your level of happiness.
  • In what ways this quote is true and what value we can take from it.
  • In what ways this quote is false and where, we believe, it could be dangerous to your life.
Direct download: 404_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Real food first.

That's the number one rule for Eating By Design and for good reason.

Nothing will improve your results faster than simply eating more real food.

Rule number two is eat protein with every meal.

That's what today's episode of Life By Design is all about and I'm sharing the details from a recording I made for our private Facebook Group.

What We Cover

  • How much protein is enough protein?
  • What's more important, the total amount of protein or percentage of protein?
  • The fastest way to improve the percentage of protein intake is NOT eating more, it's this.
  • The meat sweats are an indicator of this mechanism that makes eating protein as the first macro nutrient such a powerful action step.
  • How to eat your protein. The best sources and why.


Direct download: 403.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT

This week we review research published in the Journal of Athletic Training, looking at the importance of checking and correcting and movement deficiencies in the necks of people who have suffered a concussion.
The challenge is that since the anatomy is very similar - meaning that the nerves and structures that supply and innervate the brain also have links to the neck.
Due to the crossover, concussion and cervical syndrome, as the authors put it, can mimic each other in the way they behave.
What We Cover
  • The number of diagnosed concussions due to sport and recreation activities has been steadily increasing during the past few decades, with an estimated 3.8 million concussions occurring in 2014. 
  • A concussion is a complex pathophysiologic process that is induced by bio-mechanical forces and affects the brain. 
  • Cervical injuries and concussions can share similar mechanisms and nearly identical symptoms or causes. 
  • Concussion symptoms may actually be caused by cervical injury, yet their 'treatment' is very different.
  • Patients with cervical injury respond immediately to soft tissue massage, passive stretching, strength training, cryotherapy, thermotherapy, vestibular maneuvers, and cervical check-ups. 
  • Patients who have post-concussive syndrome after sport concussion and exhibit symptoms of dizziness, neck pain and tenderness, or headaches may have cervicogenic dysfunction.
  • The importance of an examination and finding the root cause to the problem.
Direct download: 402.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm EDT

Don't make the mistake of thinking fish oil is good for you or your children.
Fish oil is a vehicle to help deliver omega-3 fatty acids into your body, and because our current lifestyle and environment make that a challenge to get, fish oil might help.
That's a real mouth full, but let us explain more concisely on today's episode.
An interesting study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, aimed to see if there was a difference in health kids between the ages of 8 and 9 who received about 375 g/week of oily fish compared to poultry for 12 weeks. In total, 199 kids were tested.
At baseline and endpoint, the authors assessed attention, processing speed, executive functions, memory, emotions, and behavior with a large battery of tests and questionnaires and analyzed erythrocyte fatty acid composition. The samples were fasting and collected by venipuncture blood.
What we cover
  • "We found that a high intake of oily fish tended to improve overall scores of cognitive performance and socio-emotional problems in healthy children." 
  • The results were dose dependent, meaning kids with higher levels of Long-Chain-Poly-Unsaturated-Fatty-Acids (Omega-3s, found in oily fish) did best.
  • These results support the current hypothesis that omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish oil and oily fish) are good for the brain development of children and help prevent and avoid aggression and autonomic dysregulation.
  • Give your children high-quality fish and fish oil. It's good for them and their brains.
  • 1g total EPA / DHA is a suitable starting dosage.
Direct download: 401.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

So here we are in September...
Are the kids going back to school? Should they go back to school? When is life going to return to normal? Is life going to return to normal? Am I putting my kids at risk? Will they be safe? Am I a bad parent for sending them back? What will others think of me? How are we going to pay for all this? What if Jim loses his job because his work shuts down?
Have you had enough yet?
Sometimes life can get overwhelming. We all know that it's a natural part of life that we all experience.
Life has its seasons, and you will be much more likely to be overwhelmed during certain times of your life compared to others.
But how do you deal with it?
One of the issues with overwhelm is that it takes your mind away from you and your values and places them on consistent fires that need to be put out.
The more time you spend putting out fires, the less time you have for doing things that prevent those fires and now you have more fires.
The problem goes on and on, and it's a cycle.
On today's episode, we talk about how we deal with overwhelm.
What We Cover
  • The issue of overwhelm is not just the amount of choices; it's the lack of clarity and certainty. How can you gain clarity if you are unsure?
  • The most important thing that you need to know and understand about decision making.
  • Owning businesses is non stop overwhelming; here's what we've found helpful.
Direct download: 400_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

"Some people have a lot of pride in not taking drugs or supplements, but the primary goal should be to feel your best. Not using a medicine that improves your health because you take pride in being 'substance-free' is counter-intuitive to your main goal of feeling well."
This was an online quote from an excellent physician that we respect.
We find this quote interesting and would like to discuss further because there are some great and not so great ideas being expressed.
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss and show you why ideas are important and how accepting others ideas, especially if you haven't thought it through, might lead you down a path you'd wish you never found.
What We Cover
  • The logical fallacy called "begging the question" and how it applies is very evident in this quote. Feeling good and being healthy are not necessarily the same thing. You must know and understand the differences.
  • The logical fallacy of "composition". Drugs and supplements are not the same thing.
  • The very true idea that letting pride interfere with something that is helpful or beneficial is not that smart.
  • The importance of knowing and understanding complex concepts (health, supplements, drugs) and knowing how to clearly apply them to your life.
  • The importance of hearing, interpreting and understanding ideas and how to best apply them to your life.
Direct download: 399_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

You are what you eat.

Maybe not literally, but to pretend that what you put into your body doesn't affect your health and performance is nonsense.

Today we review a study from the University of Michigan seeking to establish an association between chronic spinal pain and diet.

In some ways, we already know (there was a Nobel prize given in 1982 for the PGE2 and Omega-6 link) that a poor diet can lead to increased pain byways of inflammation.

But this study wants to link chronic spinal pain to more certain types of diets and people who eat those diets.

The purpose of this podcast is to review the data, give our opinions and let you know how we believe this applies to your life and what you can do to make your health better.

What We Cover

  • Spinal pain (pain in the back, neck, and hip) affects 54% to 80% of adults and is a leading cause of physical disability and associated problems, including decreased quality of life, unemployment, and mood disorders.
  • How the costs add up! The impact of chronic spinal pain is approximately $253 billion annually.
  • What are the mechanisms linking diet to chronic pain?
  • How does sugar intake affect chronic pain?


Direct download: 398_Food_and_Pain.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

They do, but probably not in the way that you think.

If anything, emotions are the part of your consciousness that makes life worth living.

What we mean by them not mattering, is simply not in the process of making decisions.

Imagine if you couldn't feel love, pride, happiness, joy and even negative emotions like anxiety, depression, and grief...emotions are helpful if you know how to position them correctly.

But, emotions are not a good way to make decisions. If anything, emotions are the end result of the decisions you have made based on your values or in opposition to your values. They should just not be the reason you make the decision in the first place.

In our 2020 culture, we've taken emotions to the next level.

We value feelings so much that we make decisions for our lives based on other people's emotions - that's crazy!

In today's episode, we discuss emotions, what they are, what they are not, and how to control your feelings because they are under your control.

What we cover:

  • A rational basis for emotions. What emotions are, where they fit, and what they tell you about the state of your life.
  • How we believe you can change your emotions and why you'd want to.
  • Why using emotions as your primary determinant for decision making is a bad idea.
  • How we, as a society, got to a place where we overvalue emotions.
  • The reason vs. emotion dichotomy. Why it's false, why you need to know and what you need to do about it.
Direct download: 397.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

A study from the International Journal Of Spine Surgery concluded that individuals with Type-II diabetes have an accelerated rate of spinal degeneration, and the amount of degeneration is more severe than non-diabetics.
We also don't think it's too far of a stretch, although you can't claim this study as a source, to suspect that prolonged elevation of blood sugar levels (AKA diabetes) has detrimental effects on your other joints as well.
We already know that diabetes is a risk factor for nearly every chronic health condition (cancer, heart disease), we might as well add spinal degeneration to that list.
So what can be done about this?
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss this study, it’s implications and possible solutions.
What we cover
  • The study, it’s shortcomings and it’s conclusions.
  • Exactly how does what we eat affect our physical health?
  • Why you can’t rely on mainstream dieting advice.
  • Why the best way to change your diet has nothing to do with eliminating food (eventually it does, but not off the hop) and everything to do with adding in the good stuff.
  • The best exercise to do with spinal degeneration. It’s so simple (didn’t say easy) and underrated, it’s almost criminal.
Direct download: 396_Sugar_to_Your_Spine_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

To say that poor mental health is an issue would be an understatement.
Mental health, at least to us, is the most important asset you have in your arsenal of human powers. Since humans live and depend on ideas (all of which rely on mental health), the health and well being of your mind is priority number one.
That's why when we see any information (in this case, an editorial) looking at how to improve vital brain chemicals such as serotonin and tryptophan naturally, we get excited to review, share, and discuss.
It seems like mental health deteriorates every day, and the challenges facing people are just getting heavier and heavier. It's why we are excited to help in any possible way we can to ensure you stay mentally healthy.
What We Cover
  • A general review of human nature and why your mental state is your most important asset and why you need to make your mind's functioning top priority in your life.
  • The 4 methods of naturally raising both serotonin and tryptophan and how to plug them into your life.
  • Our thoughts on the cause of poor mental health.
  • Our personal experience with poor mental health and what's helped us.
Direct download: 395.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

We pick up from where we left off in Part 1 of Getting Your Diet Right...
Nothing has changed, we still think the whole world has lost it’s mind when it comes to nutrition!
The purpose of this podcast is to review and continue teaching the principles of Eat By Design.
What we cover
  • What type of veggies are best?  Cooked or raw? How about organic? Is it worth the extra cost?
  • Are grains a food group? What type of nutrients will you get from grains and can you find those elsewhere with less potential negative effects?
  • Why eating "gluten-free" isn't the primary reason to avoid eating most grains and what is?
  • Are legumes as bad as grains are made out to be?
  • What supplements are required to balance a healthy diet?
  • Are carbs good or bad? The most confusing macronutrient explained in terms that just about anyone will understand.
  • What about dairy? We're the only mammal that drinks another mammals milk...does that even matter?
Direct download: 394.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

"The thing about common sense is that it's not so common."
Nutritionally, the whole world has lost it’s mind.
How can you have one group telling you to eat meat and another telling you avoid it. They both can’t be right, but they both can be wrong.
Every once in a while it's important to go back and remember the principles from which you operate, check your premise to see if you're getting the results you want, and make any adjustments.
The fact that you're human means that ideas and principles rule your thinking and your actions. It's like your computer code.
If you're not happy with your results, yes it's important to check your actions but every once in a while it's vital to check your code.
We spend enough time interacting with patients, reading articles and scrolling social media to know that diet, more precisely lack of results from diet, is a sore spot for a lot of people.
The purpose of this podcast is to review and, in a way, reinstate the principles of Eat By Design.
What we cover
  • Why our relationship with food and how we view food, is the most important and overlooked step in solving most of your issues with food.
  • An overview of the first 4 Eat By Design principles and how they apply to your life.
  • Why it's important (and unfortunate) that you need to read studies and make up your own mind in the realm of nutrition.
Direct download: 393_EBD_Part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Do people with high self-esteem adopt an open (power) posture, or does an open posture produce high self-esteem?
In general, it's commonly believed that your feelings produce your outward appearance, but that concept is being challenged.
In the late 70's Richard Bandler and John Grinder founded a controversial psychological technique called NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), which challenged many of the beliefs in modern psychology.
One of which was the idea that you could (through various methods, one of which being posture) change your own moods, emotions, and behaviours.
Of course, NLP was dismissed, and Bandler and Grinder labeled quacks, even though many people have studied NLP and noted that it had helped them in their lives.
On today's episode, we review an experiment involving posture (power posing) on 108 German 4th Graders.
What we cover
  • The general idea in psychology that feelings/emotional states produce physical posture and other physical traits.
  • The results of the study.
  • Our interpretation of the results and how we think that applies to children's self-esteem and health in general.
  • Can you leverage any of this information to produce a state of higher self-esteem in yourself or your children?
Direct download: 392.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:06am EDT

How do you prolong healthy aging?

For us healthy aging is normal aging. We know that we are not getting any younger and that eventually, we will die.

In the meantime, since loving your life is essential to Life By Design's core beliefs, we want to do everything we can to ensure the quality and length of our lives.

Today we examine a study looking at the difference between surviving and thriving. What does that look like in terms of the body's nutritional requirements.

What we cover

  • The Triage Theory. How a modest deficiency of one of the nutrients/cofactors, triggers a built-in rationing mechanism that favors the proteins needed for immediate survival and reproduction (survival proteins) while sacrificing those needed to protect against future damage (longevity proteins).
  • How that plays out in real life.
  • The vast deficiencies that exist in society in terms of nutrient density. The authors note what vitamins and minerals are required for longevity and survival and just how deficient populations typically are.
  • The difference between thriving and merely surviving. Why that is a central concept for your success.
  • Ideas around supplementation, and do you really need to, or can you get all that's required with your natural diet?
  • What that diet should consist of and where should you start with your supplementation, if at all!
Direct download: 391.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:53pm EDT

"Chronic low back pain (LBP) is the most common cause of disability worldwide. New ideas surrounding LBP are emerging that are based on interactions between mechanical, biological and chemical influences on the human inter-vertebral disc (IVD).
The degenerate IVD is proposed to be innervated by sensory nerve fibres and vascularised by blood vessels, and it is speculated to contribute to pain sensation.
However, the incidence of nerve and blood vessel ingrowth, as well as whether these features are always associated, is unknown."
In English, it means that the discs of your spine have both nerve and blood vessels going to them. The authors of this study wanted to see if there was a difference between healthy and unhealthy discs and how many nerve fibers and blood vessels they had.
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss this study, its possible applications and if it should change how you're taking care of your spine.
What I Cover:
  • The current models of spinal pain and spinal degeneration.
  • The difference between specific and nonspecific low back pain, which is most common, and the origin of the pain.
  • The findings of the study, including the seemingly contradictory finding that degenerated discs had more nerve and blood vessels.
  • The possible mechanism behind the fact that damaged tissue has more nerve and blood vessel innervation than healthy tissues.
  • What does this information mean clinically? Does it change what you should be doing for your health?
  • Does this change or alter anything you've been doing already?
Direct download: 390.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EDT

Dr. K here...
My relationship with food used to suck. It's hard to admit that to you.
Growing up, food was the go-to for everything.
'Have a bad day? No problem, let me make you a pie'. 'You made the team? Awesome, let's celebrate, let me make you a pie.'
Let me be clear:
  • I used to think fat made you fat,
  • I used to think carbs made you fat,
  • I used to think anything that wasn't organic was poison,
  • I used to think sugar was the devil,
  • I used to think fructose was the devil,
  • I used to think fruit made you fat,
  • I used to think I had to eat small meals,
  • I used to think breakfast was the most vital meal of the day,
  • I used to think saturated fat and cholesterol would kill you,
  • I used to think skipping a meal was metabolic suicide,
  • I used to think eat all your meals was metabolic suicide,
  • I used to think too much protein was going to kill my kidneys,
  • I used to think grains were a food group,
And, I got most of this from well-meaning and smart people.
On this podcast, we discuss two big-ticket pieces of diet advice that made a massive impact on my diet and my health.
What We Cover:
  • What allowed me to take the depravity and stress out of eating.
  • What helped me keep on track during this stressful crises.
  • Two pieces of advice that really changed my outlook on nutrition and dieting.
  • How to apply this advice to your own life.
  • How to properly set goals around your nutrition.
Direct download: 389.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Anytime you deny your nature as a human being, you are hurting the most essential part of yourself, namely your mind and consciousness.

Such is the case with the common saying - don't compare yourself to other people.

Are we saying you should compare yourself to others?

Not really, more like you can't stop comparing and contrasting since it's literally how your mind learns. It's one of the traits that makes you a rational human being!

Our mind forms concepts and ideas by comparing. A child learns concepts like blue, red, fire truck, dog (literally all of human cognition) by comparing, so to label it 'bad,' is terrible for the human psyche.

"Isn't it harmful to compare yourself to others when you should be focusing on yourself?"

More on that in this episode...

What We Cover

  • Your nature, why it's essential and why going against it is the most disastrous long term mistake you can make.
  • How society is attacking your very nature, why it's destructive, how to avoid it and what to look for.
  • Why it's your standard you need to change, not your mental processing.
  • How to know what standards to look for.
  • Why the clearer you are on what you want, the better and easier your life will get.
Direct download: 388.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:25pm EDT

To say that the recent events (more so the reactions to said events) haven't shaken up our lives, would be a tremendous understatement.
We all react differently to stress and stress impacts us differently depending on where we are in our lives.
If you're in a better spot - great relationships, support and solid finances... you will handle your stress better then someone who has poor relationships and no support.
One of the things we all have experienced from this current crisis, is the development of habits and routines that we know are not helping us reach the best in our lives.
Whether it be sleeping in, more alcohol consumption, poorer nutrition, less exercise; for one reason or another, we've developed habits that we would like to change.
But how do we do that?
On today's episode of Life By Design, we looking more deeply into creating habits. We use Charles Duhigg's fantastic book, The Power of Habit, as a framework to view this subject.
What We Cover
  • The human mind and automation.
  • How and why we depend and need habits and routines to function.
  • The three components (yes, there are four, but let's keep it simple) that constitute a habit and how most of the books and thinking around changing a habit are focused on the wrong component. This is where, in Duhigg's opinion, most people mess up their new habit forming work.
  • What you can do to create new habits that you'll be proud to have.
  • Why it might not be the right time to create new habits and that's OK.
Direct download: 387_Habits.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:06pm EDT

Once upon a time, in fairy tale land, it was believed (and unfortunately, it is still believed by many in health care, especially those who make the decisions) that pre-existing damage done to your cervical spine was not a barrier to the recovery of whiplash.
Think about how absurd that sounds.
If you had had two homes, one brand new, the foundation was just poured with the latest and greatest material and technology, the second, worn by seeing its fair share of storms and nature, and hit with an earthquake...which one would do better?
A 5-year-old would say the new home with minimal trauma.
How is it that a neck with pre-existing damage and degeneration wouldn't respond the same way?
It can and would, according to the latest data, more than 50% of people in car accidents who have had previous cervical degeneration, don't recover from the accident.
The purpose of this podcast is to examine a recent article looking at whiplash injuries and pre-existing cervical degeneration to help those who are frustrated with your lack of recovery from a car accident.
What We Cover
  • What's considered cervical degeneration and how does that affect your overall health? It's important to understand there are various 'opinions' on what constitutes degeneration and how that might or might not be affecting your health.
  • The mechanism of whiplash. Knowing what to look for and what to ask could help you understand your condition.
  • You're not crazy. One of the most challenging things about caring for patients who have been through car accidents is the psychological effects of people thinking you're nuts. This study says otherwise.

CLICK HERE to read the study.

Direct download: 386_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:38pm EDT

In order for anything to grow and develop, you need the proper environment. Tomatoes don't grow in Antarctica and maple trees don't grow in the ocean.
Unfortunately, we don't live in an environment that is conducive to the development of genuine mental health for the majority of the human race.
Of course, some humans will be able to do it, but for the majority of us, the soil is just not fertile - unless you know how to make it fertile.
The process of making the environment fertile for you to develop your mental health involves developing your awareness and recognizing how the deck is stacked against you. 
Confusing? You bet, listen to the episode and let us explain what we mean.
What we covered
  • Like everything in the universe, your nature (the way you are) dictates what you need. For humans to survive and thrive (AKA mental health), we need to use our minds. It is precisely the human mind which is on trial in our modern culture.
  • Some of us are taught to question and think as children, but as we turn into adults, if you ask the wrong questions, you are accused of being a 'conspiracy theorist' or worse. This means you can be threatened, shamed and censored (forget tolerance for those people) into thinking you're wrong.  A healthy mind doesn't respond to force; it responds to reason.
  • We are being taught that the group is superior to the individual and that we need to sacrifice our wants and desires for the benefit of the group. How can you have mental health when your mind (the only one you have) is placed as inferior to the "collective consciousness?"
Direct download: 385.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:42pm EDT

Does your diet affect your pain levels?

In a study published in PubMed, researchers examined three groups of adults all between the ages of 65-75 diagnosed with knee pain.

The participants were asked to follow one of three diets for a period of 12 weeks while functional pain, self-reported pain, quality of life, and depression were assessed every three weeks using questionnaires.

Oxidative stress was analyzed in serum before and after the diet intervention using a TBARS assay. TBARS is thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, which is a measure of oxidative stress as a product of AGEs.

Osteoarthritis is the most prominent form of arthritis, affecting approximately 15% of the population in the United States. Knee osteoarthritis has become one of the leading causes of disability in older adults.

Besides knee replacement (which is still unclear as well), there has not been a very successful way of handling or reducing the pain or the damage done in osteoarthritis patients.

Drugs that do reduce pain are a concern due to side effects and the potential for addiction development.

The results showed that the low carbohydrate group had dramatically reduced pain scores, significantly increased quality of life scores and, decreased TBARS.

What we cover

  • The study, the limitations of the study and the results.
  • Interpretations of the results.
  • Possible mechanisms explaining the results.
  • The possible applications of this study into your daily life and what we believe you should change.
Direct download: 384_LCD__Knee_Osteo.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

What happens when your perfect fitness & lifestyle routine gets completely abolished and you're instantly stuck trying to figure out how to keep your results while never leaving the house and having an endless supply of food within arms reach?
In terms of fitness, what is bound to happen is very little positive momentum unless you are able to overcome the inertia, the lack of clarity and disappearance of motivation that is the cornerstone of losing your exercise support system.
On today's episode of Life By Design we speak with Kyle Torrance, Head Coach and Co-Owner of CrossFit 613 in Ottawa.
613 is a Life By Design Certified Location and Kyle himself has had a big impact in developing The Move By Design Training System™.
What we covered:
  • Why getting clear on the WHY behind your exercise routine is required for long term sustainability. You'll lean on this when your motivation dips and rest assured, it will.
  • The importance of scheduling ‘self care’ time into your day and how to carve it out consistently while sustaining a high level of productivity.
  • What works better? The all or nothing approach or being adaptable to the changes in life. We find the more adaptable you are, the easier it is to stay consistent, aka get results.
  • Free online workout programming vs hiring a coach. What are the pros and cons? Which approach will be best for you?


Direct download: 383_Stay_On_Track_With_Your_Fitness.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

One of the most powerful scenes in the Shawshank Redemption is when Andy (the main character) locks out the prison guards from their office and plays an operetta from Figaro for all the prisoners in the yard to hear.
The prisoners all stop what they're doing and listen to the beautiful music as it reminds them that yes, even though they've committed horrible crimes, they are still human.
When asked later why he did it, Andy answered "To remind myself there are parts of me they (the system or society) can never get to."
You cease to be a human and become an animal when you lose that part of yourself.
That message is about having parts of you that are safe and protected. It could not come at a more important time as it seems like our world is losing its mind.
So how do you do that? In a world that's trying it's best to show you that everything is lost and there is no hope left, how do you maintain that part of you that makes you a human being?
What we cover
  • The most important thing you need to do upon which all other choices depend. The problem is you'll have to make this choice many times over and over before it becomes a piece of your identity.
  • How to proceed after you've made that choice.
  • A practical strategy for limiting your time on social media, without missing out on any updates.
Direct download: 382_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:17pm EDT

This week we found a fascinating study from the Irish Journal of Medical Science examining spinal manipulation (we would like to see one looking at specific chiropractic care), brain chemistry, and comparing pre and post groups.
The randomized control trial involved 25 patients diagnosed with generalized, nonspecific low back pain. The group was divided into an active group (which received the manipulations) and the sham group (which received a fake manipulation).
The evaluations occurred before the study began and after the study concluded. Measurement included: Numerical Rating Scale, Oswestry Disability Index and Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.
It's important to remember that the latest data and model surrounding pain involve a Central Nerve System centered theme.
That means that antiquated pain models used to believe that the level of pain someone felt was directly proportional to the damage that occurred on the tissues.
Now we understand that pain is a personal response stemming from the Central Nerve System's interpretation of a multitude of factors.
What we covered
  • A general overview of the study, how it was performed, and the results.
  • An interpretation of the results including a review of the current model used to explain the sensation of pain and the most up to date data and the current model of chiropractic.
  • The difference between a manipulation and a chiropractic adjustment/correction.
  • How these results translate into chiropractors saying crazy things.
  • Why pain is much more complicated than we previously thought.
  • Why chiropractic might be more applicable to more areas than originally thought.
Direct download: 381.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm EDT

Without a doubt, the most polarizing episodes we record are the random topic generator episodes.
Some of you love that you get to know us better, others are horrified that we'd think that way about a certain topic.
So why do it and should you listen?
Because, either way,  it's good entertainment value.
Have you ever heard of the Incredible Hulk? It has one of the most loyal readerships in comic book history. When Jack Kirby, the writer, decided to kill off the Green Hulk and replace him with the Grey Hulk (a smarter and more civilized Hulk), the audience was agitated to say it kindly.
As people grew to love the new version of the Hulk, Kirby decided it was time to bring back the savage green monster, again the audience was furious.
The point - whether happy or furious, the more they knew they wanted to know.
In this day and age of virtue signaling and social media posturing, we want you to know that we are who we say we are, and we believe the more you know about us (both good and bad), the more you'll want to know even if we are incredibly lame and boring.
What we cover
  • Some of the random questions asked... what's the craziest thing you've ever done, your favourite drink, your least favourite time of the day and many more.
Direct download: 380_Baby_Bullet_April_2020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:12am EDT

Our days go to heck in a hand basket when we don't execute a daily routine. Things have the vibe of that time between Christmas and New Years with one major difference...there is no end in sight.
If we were to gauge the current tone of society, we would say the dominant emotions are fear, apathy, and dread. This is not a judgement on those emotions or on you if you're feeling this way... this is a statement of fact that one day this will be all over and those emotions do not serve you in fulfilling your values, dreams or goals.
With all that being said, here are some of the things we found helpful to keep our days as productive and normal as possible during these crazy times.
What we covered
  • Plan to succeed. The day starts a strong mental focus followed by reviewing goals and tasks that need accomplishing. Despair and apathy loom with the cure for those two emotions being clarity and action. Creating a plan and a direction for yourself and your family is vital, especially right now.
  • Your kid's schedule. We all know that consistency and frequency are vital for kids. Dr. K's son Ari meets with his class at 9:45 and 2:15 Monday to Friday with an assignment to do after class, and a call scheduled with his friends to follow. Having a routine has calmed his mind and made him a happier child.
  • Stick to a rhythm. Monday - Friday, we wake up at the same time, enact the same routine... exercise, go to work, etc. It's been great at keeping us productive, happier, and ensuring we keep moving towards our goals and dreams even during this stressful time.
Direct download: 379_How_to_Survive_Isolation_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

The #1 New Year's Resolution is, no surprise, fat loss. 

Why does fat loss also continue to be the #1 resolution?

If it were easy, everyone would be fit and the top new year's resolution would be a new relationship or new job.

On today's episode of Life By Design I simplify the process and review the best ways to burn fat.

What I covered

  • Get this body part on straight first or risk wasting time, energy and money.
  • The minimum time frame you need to commit to making fat burning your focus.
  • Could an underlying structural problem could be the missing link in your fat loss project?
  • Strength training is king. Are barbells and a gym necessary?
  • What type of conditioning is best for fat loss?  HIIT or aerobic?
  • This macronutrient needs to be dialed in first for efficient fat loss.
  • Does intermittent fasting work?



Direct download: 378_Fat_Loss.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Protein is a macronutrient that plays an essential role in thousands of functions within the human body. The building blocks that protein delivers, known as amino acids, are a requirement for normal and healthy development.

This means because amino acids are located in muscle, bone, ligaments, skin, hair, blood...effectively every tissue, kids need protein to thrive.

Of the 20 amino acids the body needs, it can produce 11 but the other nine must come from food. These are known as “essential” amino acids.

If your child is not getting enough protein, it can lead to more serious effects down the road. Without enough protein in their diet, a child may experience fatigue, lack of concentration, slowed growth, lowered immunity and more.

On today's episode of Life By Design I share some of the "how to's" for adding more protein into your child's diet.

  • Where do I start?
  • Why real food first?       
  • To eat meat vs. meatless?
  • Should I avoid eggs?
  • How to make snacks that are not sugar bombs!


Direct download: 377_Protein_For_Kids.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Wednesday,  February 26th, was Pink shirt day in Canada.
If you're not familiar with what this represents, as the story goes...
In 2007 two high school students in Nova Scotia witnessed other classmates bullying a grade 9 for wearing a pink shirt.
In response to this, the two who witnessed the bullying, went to a nearby discount store and purchased fifty pink shirts to distribute to their friends in order to take a stand with the child being bullied.
As it turns out, the next day, so many other children got behind this idea that literally, most of the school came dressed in head to toe pink standing in solidarity with the bullied child.
An amazing story and touching story, yes... but, what about the underlying issues surrounding bullying?
To truly overcome a challenge, you must understand the causes, the proper course of action, and the result.
As far as we can tell, and from our own personal experience, bullying comes in many forms - of course, the easiest and most popular example is a child taunting or terrorizing another child, usually for some arbitrary reason. 
But what about other kinds of bullying in our culture? Could it be considered bullying when a parent humiliates or threatens to hit their child? Is it bullying when you are endlessly humiliated or mocked when you have a different opinion than someone online? Is retaliation OK? Does it make you a bad person?
As you can easily see, not simple questions to answer, yet necessary (and rarely discussed) when "awareness" is brought to a subject.
What we covered
  • The definition of bullying and how it applies to all aspects of modern life.
  • How, we believe, to start putting an end to bullying.
  • The correct use of force in this situation.
Direct download: 376_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm EDT

Kids get a bad rap when it comes to their brains.

Everything and anything seems to be bad for brain development... cell phones, screen time, sitting, inactivity and sugar.

All are true and their effects are varying but instead of focusing on what NOT to do, we thought in true Life By Design fashion we would talk about what TO DO in order to positively influence brain health.

For this episode, I bring on the most special of guests (to me), my wife Dana.

What We Covered

  • What important fat is required for brain development (and other stuff), as well as how to best meet your child's needs for this nutrient.
  • We all know how important exercise is for a's some novel ways to make fitness part of the culture for your family.
  • What type of games are best to keep a child engaged, developing their creativity and stimulating their brain?
  • Is there a health care practitioner whose primary purpose is to find and correct problems with the spine and protect the function of the nervous system?
Direct download: 375_4_Brain_Boosting_Tips_For_Kids.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Seeing that last week was Valentine's, or as our children say it, Valentime's Day, we thought it would be fitting to visit a core concept that is integral to living an extraordinary life - love.
Although much importance, rightfully so, is placed on love, the definitions surrounding it and, how to achieve it are, in our humble opinions, incorrect and harmful to those who try to practice them.
Love is not a sacrifice, all you need, a duty, above reality, superior to logic (or different from it for that matter), unconditional, or any other poor philosophical construct.
Love is defined as the emotional response of one person to the virtues of another, the spiritual payment given in exchange for the personal, selfish pleasure which one person derives from the virtues of another person's character.
Love is something that you must earn and you earn it by becoming the type of person worthy of someone else's love. It is given freely and without question to those who deserve it.
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss the common misconceptions of love that may be holding us back.
What We Cover
  • Why love is important to living a great life and why knowing how love works and how to achieve is vital for you own self-esteem, happiness and life on this earth.
  • Why unconditional love is impossible to practice and why you probably wouldn't want to be involved with someone who did.
  • How loving someone else depends on your level of self-confidence and self-esteem.
Direct download: 374_Why_Love_Is_Selfish.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

The subcommittee of the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research organized an expert panel, conducted a literature review and a Delphi process to develop a consensus-based practice guideline for clinical use of polyunsaturated fatty acids in Major Depressive Disorder.
This systematic review of the published literature emphasized randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses.
As it currently stands, treatment for major depressive disorder is only mildly successful with many adverse and unpredictable effects.
The goal of the panel was to create guidelines that would help create patient outcomes that are more tolerable and efficacious. 
What We Covered
  • Several lines of evidence have suggested the efficacy of n–3 PUFAs as a preventive and treatment strategy in major depressive disorder, from epidemiological and case-controlled studies to randomized-controlled trials and meta-analyses.
  • According to the currently available randomized controlled trials, the starting dose should be at least 1 g of net EPA in a pure EPA form or in an EPA/DHA combination (ratio higher than 2).
  • The panel also reached a unanimous consensus on the recommendation of EPA/DHA ratio of ≥2: 1 to be crucial to polyunsaturated fatty acids antidepressant effects.
  • The length of time to see these effects and the duration of the studies.
  • The risk of theoretical adverse effects of excessive bleeding did not exist, and current evidence suggests that under concurrent usage of anti-platelet or anticoagulant agents, doses up to 4 g of polyunsaturated fatty acids daily are not associated with an increased risk of major bleeding.
  • The authors encourage the consideration of polyunsaturated fatty acids for pregnant women and children with mood disorders since the current guidelines are not recommended for either with major depressive disorder.
Direct download: 373.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

The Asian Spine Journal published something so seemingly unrelated that It needed discussion.
The study used 655 participants (262 men and 393 women; mean age, 72.9 years; range, 50–92 years) and it's purpose was to investigate a possible relationship between sagittal posture and blood pressure.
Full spine and pelvic x-rays were taken, and thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, pelvic tilt, sacral slope, pelvic incidence, and the sagittal vertical axis (SVA) were measured. The analysis was done using image-analysis software.
The results showed that the Sagittal Vertical Axis significantly shifted forward (almost double the amount) in those people with high blood pressure.
In English, this means that people with high blood pressure tend to be more forward with their posture, which is significant because the more forward your posture is shifted, the higher your chance of becoming disabled. 
What We Covered
  • Why you should care about this, the significance of this study and the potential relationship.
  • The important difference between posture and structure.
  • What could chronic high blood pressure be a sign of?
  • What the possible relationship is between poor posture and high blood pressure.
  • The link between insulin resistance, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal health and tissue microcirculation.
  • Understanding the importance and implications of Global Sagittal Alignment.
  • Tangible actions and steps you can do to ensure healthier cardiovascular and spinal health.
  • The relationship between all parts of your body.
Direct download: 372_Is_There_a_Link_Between_Posture__High_Blood_Pressure.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Logical fallacies stink!
In a 2020 world full or irrationality, logical fallacies, untruths, and just downright lies are being used left, right, centre and being passed off as the truth and logic.
The problem is that logical fallacies, because of how common they are, can be a challenge to recognize and interpret. This is especially true in the heat of battle, or during an uncomfortable conversation with someone when the stakes are high.
Some logical fallacies are even techniques that can be favourably employed by crafty and manipulative people looking to generate a certain response or emotion from his victims.
The purpose of this episode is to help you identify and defuse one particularly sneaky logical fallacy - the argument from intimidation - from your life.
The argument from intimidation is literally everywhere, a prevalent recent example is the Chris Kresser, James Wilks debate on the Joe Rogan Podcast, where Wilks used it against an unsuspecting and unprepared Chris Kresser. 
What We Covered
  • The definition of the Argument From Intimidation and all of the ways its modern users push it on us.
  • How to recognize if someone is using this technique against you.
  • How to not be affected by this logical fallacy.
  • The psychological mechanisms this technique uses and to begin to bulletproof yourself.
Direct download: 371_Dealing_With_the_Guilt_Trip.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Happy New Year from all of us at Life By Design! May 2020 be the best year you and your loved ones have ever had.
At Life By Design, we love New Year's resolutions. Truth be told, we love anything that makes you better, more successful and, happier...New Year's Resolutions hold that potential.
There is one problem...
We have a really tough time sticking to them.
When we look at the data, we see that the vast majority of people not only can't keep their New Year's Resolutions, they can't keep them for more than a week after committing to them.
Even more painful (and incorrect) are the reasons you tell yourself you can't keep them: "I lack will power," "I'm lazy," "I'm a procrastinator," or worse.
It might be true, you could be those things, but in our experience in dealing with patients and coaching clients, most people are not.
In our experience, most people are not broken, lazy, stupid, etc...
They lack the understanding of how to properly set goals, execute a plan and, lack an understanding of how motivation works.
The cultural image of sacrifice comes to mind. Typically when see (or read or listen to) someone striving for their goals or desires we see the portrayal of someone struggling against all the odds while doing what they hate to get what they want. This might make for great drama, but it is not what realistic goal achievement is all about.
What We Covered
  • How goal setting works and how many goals you should be realistically setting.
  • The real personality trait that prevents you from succeeding, hint, it's not willpower.
  • Understanding motivation and where true inspiration comes from.
Direct download: 370._3_Reasons_Resolutions_Break.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

If you have children, you likely have goals and desires as a parent. You want your children to grow up to be honest, hard-working, independent, happy adults who know how to think and provide for themselves. At least, that's what we want for our kids.
Before beginning on any journey, you have to know where you want to finish. Parenting, in our opinion, has to be one of the most challenging and rewarding adventures of life - but in order to help guide your decisions as a parent, you need to know where you want to take your children.
There is the desire... now the question becomes, how do we reverse engineer that goal into everyday tangible and realistic steps so that we have something to do every day?
Well, that's what we are going to be talking about on today's podcast as we review the Inc. article "Science Says the Most Successful Kids Have Parents Who Do These 9 Things."
Here's What We Cover
  • Is it a good idea to tell children they can be anything they want or, should we be more realistic?
  • A simple step to implement as much as possible that's been linked to decreasing the potential for substance abuse.
  • What about technology? Should they have it or is it better to avoid it?
  • Is it better for mom to stay home or are kids with working moms better off?
  • Should kids do chores or should they focus on just being kids?
  • One thing that every parent should be doing as much as possible.
  • Why it could be important to encourage them to travel and see different things.
  • One of the most important and challenging things to do as a parent.
Direct download: 369_How_to_Make_Your_Kids_Successful.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

"The path to success is to take massive, determined actions."
-Tony Robbins

The two keywords in that sentence are determined and actions.

Determined can have two meanings and, I like both of them in this context.

The first meaning of determined is 'achieving the desired outcome' and the second, 'that you've given some consideration as to what outcome you are working towards'.

Simply put, in order to succeed, you need a plan and you need to act with determination. I know it sounds easy and, intellectually it is, it gets much harder when trying to apply this to real life.

The time to start thinking about next year is now, not January 1st!

There is nothing easy about thinking long term about your life and few of us are truly blessed with a seemingly natural ability to look long term... the rest of us have to think long and hard about what it is we want for ourselves and our time on this planet.

The purpose of today's podcast is to help set you up for having the best year of your life not by chance, but by conscious purpose.

What I Covered

  • The five categories needed for this process to be successful for you. The five are interchangeable to some respect but, they are also hierarchical in natural meaning, you simply just can't pass go and collect your money unless you have it (at least) somewhat figured out. You will be stuck at that point.
  • Tips on how to improve on those categories if you're stuck on any one of them.
  • Discussion and examples of each branch in your life by design, connecting how they all apply in the greater context.
Direct download: 368_Making_2020_Your_Best_Year_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Well, it's almost here. To quote the lyric, "the most wonderful time of the year."
I've always loved Christmas, and now, ever since having kids, I love Christmas and the whole holiday season even more. More fun than getting gifts yourself, is watching how excited your kids get when they open up their presents.
Not to mention the parties, get-togethers, traditions and crazy holiday stuff that happens to add to all of the lasting memories and good times.
On the flip side, and this is totally by personal choice, I dislike the holidays because it's the one time of the year when my eating and nutrition can completely spiral out of control.
There are so many treats and things I love to eat (and I don't often say no) that it can be hard to get back on track. Now, trust me when I say, I've had plenty of experience letting my diet slide and trouble getting it back on track.
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss the strategies I've found helpful in keeping things on track when the holiday season rolls around.
What I Covered
  • The most important thing you can do period. It doesn't involve willpower or some super strength, just a regular pencil and paper you have lying around.
  • How adding a certain kind of food will benefit you. Crazy to think, but eating more of this will help keep you on track.
  • Focusing on these few things will ensure that you fall entirely off track.
  • Doing this one thing will help protect your mindset from yourself.
Direct download: 367_Mind_Your_Waistline_This_Holiday_Season_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

New research presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology linked an increased risk of your child developing allergies if they were born via cesarean section.

Studies also presented showing how mom eats while pregnant and what she feeds her child during infancy have an impact on the risk of the child developing allergies.

The first study looked at the medical charts of 158,422 children and identified children with 0,1,2,3, or 4 allergic conditions identified as food allergies, eczema, asthma, and hay fever. Then the method of delivery was compared with the number of allergies recorded. The results showed that vaginal delivery was associated with a reduced rate of allergies as well as exclusive and supplemental breastfeeding.

The second study looked at 1315 women and recorded their diet during pregnancy. The study found mothers with 'poor dietary diversity' along with a maternal history of allergic disease were more likely to develop eczema or food allergy. Thirty-three percent of the children of those same mothers were likely to become diagnosed with food allergies or eczema by age two.

This Is What We Covered

  • A review of the studies along with their possible shortcomings and how these can affect expecting moms and young children.
  • A discussion as to why we are possibly seeing these trends, and what to do about them as a parent.
  • The importance of diet and the role of human development over time and how this affects our general health.
Direct download: 366_Allergies_C-Sections_and_Prenatal_Diet.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Meat is bad for you; the world is going to collapse in 11 years, LDL cholesterol is harmful; chiropractic can cure XYZ, etc.
How do you know if any of the above statements are true, or if they are outright lies?
The answer should be reason and the scientific method, unfortunately, in today's modern culture, the answer is the public consensus.
You've heard the statement "a million Frenchmen can't be wrong" well, yes, they can be. Just because a million people are saying something or think a certain thing doesn't make it right or true.
More importantly, how did our culture degrade to such a low level of thinking, judgment and deliberation? 
Life By Design is not a political podcast, and the purpose will not be to dissect the above arguments in detail - even though the ones related to health we discuss frequently.
We are hoping, by applying the correct methods to reality, you will reach logical conclusions on your own.
The purpose of this particular podcast is to give you the tools to think for yourself — something our modern educational system has done an excellent job of eliminating or dare we say destroying on purpose.
The central issue is independent thought and how to apply your own mind to the world in order to find the truth. If you want to get fancy about it, it's the branch of philosophy called epistemology. 
What we covered:
  • Truth - is it even possible? How do we know what's true? How can we discover it? Can we even discover it? Is truth just a myth, or does it actually exist?
  • Why you should care about this and how this is vital for you living your best life.
  • How to help your children learn to think and reason independently from other's opinions.
  • The main issue with consensus thinking.
Direct download: 365_How_Do_You_Know_Its_True.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

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Direct download: 364_Do_Protein_Shakes_Help_Recovery.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Recently the Toy company Hasbro has launched "Ms. Monopoly," and as the box says, it's 'the first game where women make more than men.'
If you're not familiar with the game of monopoly, it's a board game in which players move around the board, are able to buy property, make investments, get sent to jail, and are subject to both the randomness of good and bad luck.
So what's wrong with Ms. Monopoly? Nothing. We are going to do our best to stay out of the realm of politics on this podcast. It's hard not to touch on politics a little bit, since morality and politics can be closely related. But, if you want to read more about gender equality issues, etc., there are many articles online that can provide material for you to learn more.
Our job on today's podcast is to speak about the personal, self-esteem, effects of creating games and situations like this. Solely for the fact that creating high self-esteem is a precursor to health and happiness which we do care about tremendously.
What we covered
  • Definitions and classifications. There's not a word strong enough to describe the horror of today's misuse of language and concepts. If you don't believe that statement, stop 10 random people on the street and ask for a definition of popular, politically charged terms today (sexist, racist, etc.) and see how many different responses you get. Step number one is to define all of our terms so we can be on the same page.
  • The nature of self-esteem, why it's important, why you need it and why you should be working on creating it.
  • How being singled out does not increase self-esteem but lowers it.
  • What lessons we need to apply to our lives.
Direct download: 363_Ms._Monopoly_And_The_Impact_On_Self-Esteem.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Ok, you really don't have to register for the open, but we think it would be a great idea for you to do "sign up" for something and do the work. 
And before you say 'but I'm not fit enough to do that' it's important that you understand a few things.
One, all of the open workouts are scalable; that's one of the cool things about CrossFit, it can be tailored to everyone at all skill levels.
Two, the way that you're going to get fit is to do things that make you fit. So, doing workouts and fitness that is challenging will make you better.
Three, none of us are going to the CrossFit games and we're still doing it. 
Ok, that last reason was weak, at best, and playing the peer pressure card was uncool, sorry. So, let's get to the real reason why you should register and the purpose of this podcast...
The CrossFit Open is an excellent standard for you to compare yourself against yourself and see if you're improving.
Getting better, actually better, at something is an incredible feeling, and it will help with your self-esteem, among other things.
What We Covered
  • The importance of having a standard. In 2019 we're told not to compare; we are told to tell our children that everything they do is great, and we all know that this is not helping them, and it won't help us. Having a stand is vital to your success.
  • What are the two types of standards you need.
  • Why and how the CrossFit games or similar events can serve as your fitness standard and why that is important.
Direct download: 362.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

It's wonderful that the idea and practice self-care is gaining popularity and widely practiced.
Self-care, as the title implies, concerns itself with doing something personal, for your own ego. Of course, this has rubbed many the wrong way, which is why justifications like "Self-care is not selfish" have become popular trope.
But there is no need to apologize, and to pander to people who don't agree or don't accept. The purpose of this episode is to discuss why it's a good thing that self-care is selfish and what good self-care habits should look like.
What we covered
  • Definitions, definitions, and more definitions. If you don't define your terms, how do you even know what's being talked about? When we define our terms, you'll see very quickly, that by it's very definition self-care is selfish. You'll also notice that selfish is not bad, like the story that we've been force-fed since birth.
  • Why it matters that you understand that self-care is selfish. Ideas are very powerful and the more accurate an idea in your mind, the more solid the mental foundation it creates. It would be no different than coming into your home and chipping away at the concrete of your foundation. Sure, nothing would happen right away, but over time the structure would erode and collapse.
  • What good self-care should like vs. what the majority does.
  • How to create good self-care habits.
  • Why your good self-care habits are essential for everyone in your inner circle.
Direct download: 361_Self-Care_IS_Selfish_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Proper and adequate blood flow is vital to your body's health and well being. Adequate blood flow is even more important to your brain since your brain is the organ which controls your entire body.
Decreased blood flow to the brain has been hypothesized to be a cause/contributing factor of many chronic and acute diseases (Alzheimer's, dementia, stroke, cancer, etc.)
The etiology of these diseases is hard to assess, making general health principles like adequate blood flow to your brain, even more important.
In a recent study, published in the journal Brain Circulation, a positive correlation was found between cervical lordosis and blood flow to your brain.
In English:
When test subjects had an orthotic device placed under their neck which changed the curve in their cervical spine, an MRI measured more blood flow to their brain. 
Why you care about this:
Proper cervical curvature has alot to do with how well your neck and spine is functioning.
Most of the time a correction towards better is performed to your neck, your neck moves better. A neck that is capable of better motion has a greater capacity for healthy mobility and restoration of the cervical curve can be a result.
In this podcast we discuss this study and why you should care about those implications.
What We Covered
  • The basics of the study, what it tells you, why you should care, and why it's important.
  • The potential application of this study and how it would apply to your health.
  • Any problems or shortcomings with a study like this, and how those would apply.
  • The importance of structure and function to your health.
Direct download: 360_more_Blood_To_Your_Brain_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

This past Tuesday was Suicide Prevention Day. It's sad to reflect on your life and think of all the people you who know that have committed suicide. It's even sadder to think that everyone else also knows people who have committed suicide.
Keeping in the spirit of being positive and productive, we wanted to use this podcast to talk about an article that was written on the 10 Traits of Emotionally Resilient People.
Emotional resilience is being able to handle whatever life throws at you - and we know life can throw a lot - and keep moving forward towards your values and dreams.  It doesn't mean being perfect, having it all together, or not having moments of weakness. It means doing your best, and not staying in a down place for very long.
What We Covered
  • The 10 traits listed in the article with a discussion on each one. What we liked, what we didn't and most importantly how that applies to real life and how we (and hopefully you) can benefit from using this information.
  • How to create Emotional Resilience. It's all well and good to know what it is and to have it, but how do we cultivate it and grow it if we don't have it? Where does it come from?
  • How to begin creating this in your children. The more kids can learn what emotional resilience looks like, the more stress and pain you'll be saving them.
Direct download: 359_10_Traits_Of_Emotional_Resilience_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Not sure if you've heard about Mindful Eating before, but it's something that's talked about enough (mostly in the background) and we thought we should bring it to your attention.
An initial challenge we discovered with Mindful Eating was the lack of a clear definition. It's challenging to have a proper discussion about something when it's mostly unclear what we're talking about.
To the best of our knowledge and understanding, Mindful Eating is a nutritional strategy that uses the psychological concept of 'Mindfulness' as a guide for helping you make choices about your nutrition.
From the Health Line Article... Mindful eating involves: 
-Eating Slowly and without distraction
-Distinguishing between hunger and non-hunger cues for eating
-Learning to cope with anxiety and guilt about food
-Appreciating your food
-Noticing the effects that food has on your feelings and figure
What We Covered
  • A more in-depth conversation about all the tenets that incorporate the idea of 'Mindful Eating' and how those would apply to you and your nutrition
  • How these ideas differ from all other, more accessible, strategies currently related to food
  • The pros and cons of this strategy
  • If we, ourselves would choose to use Mindful Eating
Direct download: 358_What_About_Mindful_Eating.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

The new weight watchers app for kids is getting a lot of attention, some of it good, but according to the Healthline article that we've linked below, most of it is bad.
Weight Watchers has now rebranded itself as WW and launched Kurbo, a weight loss app targeting kids between 8-17. The issue that both parents and experts have with the app is they say it's sending the wrong message.
Some of the issues raised by these groups with the ads are:
- Before and after pics of children who have lost weight
- Concern that the point system, used by the app, is not teaching  
  children proper nutritional guidelines and behaviour around food
- Concerns about the quality of food - that app uses the red, light,
  yellow light system
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss the HealthLine article and share our opinions about the app and whether we think it's a good idea or not.
What We Covered
  • What's the real issue here? As a parent, our job is to raise strong, independent humans. Health is a significant component of that. At the end of the day, does this app do that or not?
  • How WW works and is this a good way for someone to learn how to eat?
  • The most powerful way you can influence your kids.
  • Are foods good and bad, and should our kids know this information?
  • How we try (we are far from perfect) to feed our kids and teach them about the food that they should eat.
Direct download: 357_Weight_Watchers_For_Kids.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Becoming an emotionally stronger, more self-reliant person with strong self-esteem is vital to you success in life.
If you want to pursue any kind of rational values in a virtuous way, you'll find out very quickly that the world will stand in your way. After all, what you're after is not easy, it's hard, and it should be hard.
For you to achieve your desires, whether it be a relationship, career, status, finances, etc., you will have to become the person with those character traits and abilities. This will require a lot of effort and hard work. Becoming a different person can take a lot of work.
There seems to be a trend that's emerging again lately. It's nothing new, it's been around for a long time (maybe it's just because we've been fascinated with reading more about it); it's this idea teaching you that for you to get what you want you must become no-one and nothing.
We've heard it expressed many different ways and by many different people: overcoming the ego, join the unified field, becoming one with all things, etc.
But is this really possible and is it beneficial? That all depends on you and your goals. In today's episode, we discuss our thoughts and experiences on the topic:
What We Covered
  • What is the self and should you care? When someone refers to the ego or 'you' what do they mean? What is 'youness' and is this an important characteristic?
  • Is your ego helpful, or does a successful, happy life require you to overcome it?
  • Why we believe these are important questions for you to answer and consider for yourself, and how we have applied to our own lives.
Direct download: 356_Becoming_No_One.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

"Opioid use - even short term - can lead to addiction and, too often, overdose."
-Mayo Clinic Staff
To put it, bluntly - pain sucks. If you've ever injured yourself, you know exactly how debilitating it can be.
Now imagine that you've served time in combat in Iraq, lost some of your best friends in battle, been injured from the strain of battle and suffered the psychological stress from witnessing the horrors of war, not to mention being away from your home and most of the people you love.
That sounds like the potential for the pain to be taken to the next level.
Pain management has always been a concern for Veterans Affairs and the Department Of Defense, especially for veterans who have seen combat. To make matters even more challenging, opioids - a very potent and effective pain medication, has been proven to be addictive and life harming long term. 
Can chiropractic help?
There are many factors that impact whether or not a Veteran receives a prescription for an opioid. Veterans in moderate to servere pain were 87% more likely to receive an opioid prescription. Veterans suffering from depression where 40% more likely to receive and opioid prescription. And, veterans who smoked were 39% more likely to receive a prescription. 
This week talk about a study looking at veterans under chiropractic care.
What We Covered
  • The study and how it was performed.
  • The limitations to the study.
  • The possible correlation between chiropractic care and opioid reduction.
Direct download: 355_Chiropractic__Less_Pain_Medication.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Two new studies remind us of what we already know but sometimes forget.

The above is a quote that opens the article titled "To Delay Death, Lift Weights."

What an appropriate way to describe strength training, something that, the research is quite clear, has outstanding health benefits to the body, yet is often brushed under the rug.

It makes sense, going to the gym, or moving your body in upwards of 80% of your one-rep maximum is uncomfortable and scary. But it's so worth it for your health.

The attached article review two studies.

The first was performed at the University of Indiana. 4,440 adults over 50 were assessed between 1999-2002 and were followed up on again in 2011 to see who passed away. The three variables they measured were strength, muscle mass and mortality.

In the results they found that those with low muscle strength were two times more likely to have died during the follow-up. In contrast, low muscle mass didn't seem to matter as much.

In the second study, 80,000 adults in England and Scotland completed surveys that were analyzed and it showed that those who completed any strength training activity were 23% less likely to die during the study period and 31% less likely to die from cancer.

What We Covered

  • A review on why movement is a requirement for optimal health and normal physiology in the human body.
  • The Move By Design principles and how those apply in this case.
  • A general overview of the two studies mentioned in the article
  • Discussion around the limitations of each study and the possible limitations of the outcomes.
  • The possible hypothetical mechanisms of the results.


Direct download: 334_Lift_Weights_Live_Longer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

In his incredible definition of self-esteem, Dr. Nathanial Branden (author of one of Life By Design's favourite books - The Six Pillars Of Self-Esteem) mentions that the hardest judgment we pass is on ourselves.
Interestingly, he chose to keep that thought in the definition, most likely because of the astonishing amount of times we, humans, think that our behaviour, thoughts, and actions are inherently broken or wrong.
Our culture has done an excellent job of pushing it into our minds that no matter our personal circumstances, we are never enough. We are never rich, beautiful, happy, in love, thin, strong, etc., enough no matter what we do.
On today's episode, I'd like to talk about procrastination, willpower and laziness. Of course, there are times we are these things. Even the hardest working and most productive person will have times when they feel lazy and unmotivated.
I'm going to argue that procrastination and lack of will power get substituted, more often than not, for the real cause that you don't get things done which is - lack of clarity.
The purpose of this episode is to discuss how lack of clarity can be the primary cause of failing to meet your goals and vision.
What I Covered
  • Self-esteem and why it's so important to have it in today's modern times.
  • The importance of clarity, how to develop it, and why having a good plan is necessary for getting things done.
  • How to develop more clarity in your life.
Direct download: 333_You_MIght_Not_Be_Lazy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

"Don't go to a chiropractor because they can cause you to have a herniated disc."
Hopefully, this is the first time you've heard this but, as is often the case, bad news travels much faster than good news.
Is this true? 
A new study suggests that this is not the case at all. The study concludes that patients have the same risk of an acute disc herniation going to their medical doctor as they would going to the chiropractor with low back pain.
It's important to know precisely what these conclusions mean and how they affect you.
Low back pain can be a severe problem. Low back pain affects 70% of the population throughout their life and on any given day anywhere from 15-30% of the population is affected by low back pain.
An issue is that sometimes low back pain is prodromal to a lumbar disc herniation. Meaning that the individual has already suffered from an acute disc herniation and the nature of that injury has not fully expressed itself with the first symptom.
It would have appeared, on first inspection, that a visit to the chiropractor made the injury worse.  However, when we compare the number of chiropractic visits with the number of medical visits, the rate of acute disc herniation was the same.
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss this research and how it applies to you and your health.

What We Covered

  • The initial mechanism of why it was thought that going to a chiropractor could cause a herniated disc.
  • The research study - how it was conducted and what it means.
  • The limitations of the study.
Direct download: 332_Does_Chiropractic_Increase_Risk_of_Herniations.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

This truly was one of my favorite episodes to record.

Was it because of the fantastic content? Yes. Of course the content was wonderful and for many, the concepts we covered will challenge your current training approach and lead to significant and results boosting action.

But it was more than the content... it was the guest.

On today's episode of the Life By Design Podcast I had the opportunity to speak with 6x CrossFit Games athlete (including finishing as the 12th fittest man in the world in 2016) Marcus Filly.

Marcus is a husband, father of 2 daughters and the CEO and Founder of Revival Strength and Functional Bodybuilding, and creator of Awaken Training Series.

What I loved about this episode was the value systems and principles that make up this functional bodybuilding model. The amount of crossover with Life By Design lead to a detailed dive into what works in the functional fitness real world and what doesn't.

What We Covered

  • The journey that lead Marcus from a high school athlete to Division 1 athletics to the CrossFit Games and eventually leaving CrossFit altogether to create a more logical approach to functional fitness.
  • The pitfalls of Traditional CrossFit Marcus witnessed while coaching in his own facility...including the secret to behind the "I look too bulky" statement heard from many women.
  • The 3 fundamentals of Functional Bodybuilding that highlight a massive shift from most program design within the functional fitness world.
  • How to move athletes from trying to hit PR's and burning out to consistently, frequent, recoverable training that yields results over time.
Direct download: 331_Marcus_Filly_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:59pm EDT

There are three reasons for experiencing a lack of results at the gym, and they have almost nothing to do with willpower, procrastination, or hard work.
Yes, those are all important but, by far, they are not the most significant reason you fail to get the results you want.
The most significant reason is that your strategy is not compatible with your goals.
What does that mean in plain English? It means that, for the most part, you're not doing the things that will get you the result you want.
No matter how much scientific data, anecdotal evidence, and even personal experience show you, the widespread consensus still is that cardio produces weight loss, and to tone, you need to do low weight, high reps.
The second reason is the lack of consistent intensity. Your body adapts to the stress you place on it. Most people, when joining a gym, experience great results but then plateau and never improve. The improvement occurs because your body gets used to what you're doing. If you want to keep improving, you need to change what you're doing and the rate and intensity at which you're doing it.
And the third, which is closely related to the second, is periodization. Periodization means changing your tempo, exercises, and volume to both allow for adaptation, but also avoid a long term plateau.
Yes of course, a coach or a great gym will be able to provide all this for you. However what if you don't live close to a great gym or can't afford to go? What can you do?
What We Covered
  • An overview of general physiology, the importance of diet and the training effect.
  • How does a lack of structure, intensity, and periodization negatively affect you?
  • What a good program looks like and the necessary features for it's success.
Stuff From The Episode:
CLICK HERE to Download the FREE Move By Design Manual
Stuff From The Episode:
CLICK HERE to Download the FREE Move By Design Manual
Direct download: 330_How_to_Create_Your_Own_Workout_Program_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Beware the health halo.

The health halo is a term or in this case, group of words, that are often associated with a particular outcome.

For example, when you hear the term organic what comes to mind? Most likely, your brain jumps to fresh, healthy, crispy, colourful, etc.

Now, what if we mentioned that both cocaine and heroin can be by definition organic?

Health halo terms also include "natural, drugless, vegan, vegetarian, paleo, keto" and the topic of today's episode "plant-based."

Recently, and it's unknown if this is correlated or coincidental, but a change in Canada's food guide toward a more 'plant-based' diet (their words not ours) has seen many fast food chains jump on board and begin offering 'meatless, beyond meat, and plant-based' options to their customers.

Of course, since we love business and free enterprise, it's lovely to see companies meet (meat would have been a pun) the needs of their customers. The issue, in this case, is that these products are promoted as (or at least assumed to be) healthy. We would argue that this might not be the case.

The purpose of this podcast is to discuss halo health terms and why understanding your body's requirements is the key to knowing what you should be eating.

Here's what we cover

  • Thinking in principle - why it's the most crucial step to being able to make your own health decisions.
  • Your body's macro and micronutrient requirements.
  • The best way to fuel your body whether you are vegan or choose to eat meat.
Direct download: 329.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Oct 18, 2017, will always be remembered by Canadians. 
That was the day that Gord Downie, leader of The Tragically Hip and Canadian Icon passed away.
The Tragically Hip have been called a Canadian treasure, the national band of Canada and many other flattering things have been said about them.
Gord Downie was (and will continue to be) a role model and an influence. He inspired many in Canada, his vision reached much wider than music, and he had a lot to say.
Role models are a real and powerful force in your life. If you have good ones you can overcome the worst that life can throw at you and still be successful. If, on the other hand, you (either consciously or unconsciously) have selected poor role models your life might never reach it' s full potential.
The purpose of this episode it to help you understand why having and worshiping heroes is a key to success; and how to choose a proper role model.
What we cover:
  • Issac Newton said, "The reason I can see so far is that I've stood on the shoulders of giants." Role models are an excellent shortcut to help you become the person you want to be in order to achieve the things you want to achieve.
  • Choose your role models carefully and you can even be selective in that process. It's OK to look up to and admire someone, that's human nature, but you don't have to accept all of them. You can pick and choose which parts you like and which parts you don't like. Tiger Woods would have been an excellent golf role model; not so much in the relationship department.
  • Role models are art in motion. As a human being you need art to survive. Your role model - in a very real example - embodies that. Be very careful who you choose.
Direct download: 328_Best_Of_-_Role_Models.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Old habits die hard right?
I still find it shocking that despite the current and steady stream of consistent scientific evidence you are still scared to make fat a major part of your diet.
But on the other hand, I get it.
I mean, after all, fat has been vilified for so many years, by so many people that you respect (your teachers and your doctors) that it's hard to go against the low fat mantra.
I remember being in public school and our Phys Ed teacher brought in this disgusting yellow lumpy jelly and said: "This is hardened body fat. You will get this in your arteries and on the sides of your body from eating too much fat." 
Talk about leaving a mark...that was almost 30 years ago and I still remember that event. So it's no wonder that most of us are completely fat phobic.
But, science (good science, and a lot of it) is proving time and time again that fat is NOT an enemy of health. On the contrary, fat is looking more like your health's best friend.
I'm not advocating eating as much fat as you want; especially the unhealthy kinds. But, I am saying that there is much more harm done to your body from avoiding fat, then there ever could be from including good fats in your diet.
I don't mean this to be a jerk, but the reality is your body requires fat. If you don't get it, there will consequences...potentially major ones. 
On today's podcast, we cover the 7 Signs You Need To Add More Fat To Your Diet
What we cover
  • The science behind why you need to eat fat.
  • The seven signs (not diseases) that you are not eating enough fat.
  • The different kinds of fat, which ones to eat and which ones to avoid. HINT - DO NOT avoid saturated fat.
Direct download: 327_Best_Of_-_Signs_We_Need_More_Fat.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

This is it!

The secret 'reveal' that you've been waiting for is finally here.

Someone is going to spill the beans on the one very specific thing you need to do in order to stick to your diet forever.

In fact, we can go even deeper than that. This 'secret' will help you not only stick to your diet but also your workout regime, and anything else that requires will power. Heck, it will also make you wealthy without working.

Hopefully, by now, you can tell that this idea I speak of, this secret gem, is not real at all.

There is no secret, no magic pill, special cream, surgery, extraction, etc., that will get the results that you want. There is just work.

But that doesn't mean you can't become the person who does the work and succeeds.

The purpose of this podcast is to share with you the strategies that I've found most helpful in helping me stick to my diet.

What I Cover

  • A general overview of why there is no 'secret,' but that doesn't mean there are no strategies and way for you to improve. There is still a lot of work involved.
  • The idea of compound interest/momentum and why this is such an important concept to leverage for success.
  • Why willpower is not a light switch but, a muscle that needs to be developed. Creating a better environment is much easier.
  • The lesson from the kids' movie Kung Fu - that there is only you. What that really means and how to apply it for your success.
Direct download: 326.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.
-Theodore Roosevelt
In this episode of Life By Design, we are going back a bit in the history of the podcast with something we used to call a Baby Bullet episode.
If you remember the magic bullet kitchen utensil, you would recall that it was advertised as something where you could put many ingredients in it, and it would chop them all up with no problem.
The idea for today's show is to take a random topic generator, hit 'generate topic' and talk about whatever comes up.
Why are we doing this, and what's the benefit for you?
There was an article published in the Washington post recently on a book title "Compassionomics: The Revolutionary Scientific Evidence That Caring Makes A Difference". The theme of the book is that patients who have doctors they perceive as compassionate tend to recover faster and attain better health. 
Full disclosure, we have not read the book but found the article interesting since it affirms a personal belief of ours that having a better relationship with your health care provider leads to better outcomes in general for the patients.
The podcast is an effort for you to get to know us better. It's a way to get more familiar we who we are as people and how we apply to Life By Design principles to many different areas.
What we covered
  • Topics ranging from diet and exercise, legacy, favourite movies, books we're reading and plenty more randomly generated questions. 
  • We answered the questions honestly, even if the generator gave us an uncomfortable issue.
Direct download: 325_Baby_Bullet_is_Back_2019.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Being a parent is a fantastic experience in many ways; sometimes, because it's challenging and other times because you can experience love and joy beyond any measure possible.

Children seem to be the great divider of time in our lives - almost like the B.C and A.D of us. There was your life before you had kids where you had time, other interests and could remember doing things and there's your life after kids where you're busy, on a schedule, and always have another part of you that's out there in the world...and whether you're 90 and they're 70, they will always be your kids.

One of the things you're forced to deal with when you have kids is your own mortality, what will happen to them if something happens to me, and what do I want to leave them with after I'm gone?

Most of the time, 'things' get thought of when you ask yourself that question: your house, your investments, your possessions, etc. That is an essential line of thinking because those things are important.

Yet, there is something more important than that - your values, principles, and ideas.

Of all the great Industrial families who made a massive amount of money - only the Rockefeller fortune still exists to an even higher level than it did when J.D was creating his wealth.

This is because J.D understood that things are a result of the way you think. So he set in motion a play that would only allow his heirs access to the Rockefeller trust if they proved they were worthy and could handle it.

Because we are humans - philosophy, ideas, and values matter, which ones are you leaving to your kids?

What We Covered
  • The principles and ideas we want to leave our children and grandchildren; our legacy.


Direct download: 324_What_are_you_levaing_your_kids_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

The amount of low and no calories sweeteners that children get in their diets has increased two hundred percent in recent years. Obesity rates have also been climbing with one-third of children between the ages of two and nineteen overweight or obese.
The obvious (maybe not so obvious) conclusion that children's weight should be decreasing or staying the same has made researchers question what's going on. It would be safe to assume that fewer calories and less sugar should amount to a decrease in weight.
There's an important disclaimer that needs mentioning -  weight loss does not necessarily amount to good. We don't have objectively measurable qualifiers for health, only for disease.
Some studies are suggesting that swapping artificially sweetened drinks for those high in sugar might promote weight loss in children and teens, but there is also data to suggest that doing so increases health risk in other areas.
Bottom line there are better ways to lose weight and improve health than drinking artificially sweetened drinks.
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss the study and give it interpretation from a Life By Design perspective.
What we covered
  • The study itself - how the data was collected and some of the pitfalls from doing it that way.
  • Interpretation - did drinking artificially sweetened drinks make an impact in calories consumed, are calories a useful marker for health, what else could be at play?
  • Ways we've found helpful for changing diet in our kids.
Direct download: 323.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:07am EDT

I recently finished Cal Newport's book, Digital Minimalism and really enjoyed it.

There were two concepts which I found to be both urgent and vital to include in my life as soon as possible. The first was a distracted mind's intrusion on our solidarity - a topic for another day. And, two, the issue of free time and how it affects our mind.

I'm paraphrasing what I've read and what my takeaways are so, please feel free to dismiss both if you'd like. But at least give me the change to share what I think and see if it resonates with you.

The purpose of this podcast is to have a closer look at 'free time' and see if there is a better way to spend it than just mentally drifting.

What I covered

  • Is free time a paradox? We spend most of our time 'wanting some time off,' even though when we get it; it doesn't seem to make us any happier.
  • What is happiness and is it important?
  • Does a lack of structure, free time, generate more happiness or less?


Direct download: 322.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:01pm EDT

"Drvo se savija dok je mlado" - Croatian Proverb
The above statement translated into English means that the "tree is bent when it is young." This saying can also be a metaphorical statement implying that the habits and environment experienced as a child tends to continue into adulthood.
The is precisely the mindset the United Nations Public Health Agency had in mind when they made their newest recommendations for sleep, exercise and screen time in 1-5 years olds. 
Previously, there were no recommendations for children below five years old. However, due to the idea (and evidence) that children who are obese, tend to become adults that are obese (obesity increases all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes) the United Nations Public Health Agency is trying to help 'bend the tree' in the healthy direction by creating guidelines surrounding screen time, exercise and sleep, for children under five.
The purpose of this podcast is to review those guidelines and offer suggestions on how to make them a reality for your family.
Here's What I Covered:
  • A review of the World Health Organization recommendations if your child is under one year old.
  • A review of the World Health Organization recommendations if your child is between one and two.
  • A review of the World Health Organization recommendations if your child is three to four years old.
  • How to make these recommendations a's easy to read something and understand it, much harder to implement something and start doing it regularly. We help share our tips and tricks for making this a realistic plan in your household.
Direct download: 321_Sleep.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

"Everything is amazing, and nobody is happy" are words famously (it might be notoriously now depending on who you're asking) spoken by comedian Louis C.K in a late night talk interview with Conan O'Brien.

The context was how incredible it is to be able to fly in an airplane and how even 60 years ago if you wanted to travel across the country, it could take days or weeks, not a few hours.

C.K also alluded to the fact that you could get the internet now on an airplane (the interview is 2 years old when the internet was novel on flights) which prompted the man next to him to get upset because it wasn't as fast as he would have liked instead of being grateful and happy that this 'awesome' technology was possible.

Having the pleasure of being alive in 2019 is fantastic. The opportunities presented to us are outstanding and abundant. So, then, why aren't we happy? Why is mental illness still a thing? Why are young people full of nothing but potential taking their lives? Why is there more addiction?

The purpose of this podcast is to comment on what we believe to be a central idea to creating and achieving happiness. Yes, it's a complex topic, and we don't have to cover everything, but we share what we believe, and have experienced, to be one important idea.

What we covered:

  • The definition of happiness and success and why definitions and knowing your terms is essential to success. If you don't have a clear idea of what you want to achieve you'll never get.
  • What, in our personal experience, has to lead to our personal feelings of unhappiness, depression, and anxiety.
  • How we've achieved happiness and success in our lives.
Direct download: 320.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

An interesting study was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine looking at supplementation levels vs. nutrient levels and all-cause mortality. This means they were searching to see if people who took supplements (in general) lived longer.
The Cohort study was conducted on 30 899 adults in the US above the age of 20 years old. The participants were required to answer questions and complete a survey.
The findings were as such:
Adequate intake of vitamin K and magnesium resulted in decreased mortality - this was limited to obtaining these nutrients from food, not supplements.
Adequate intake of vitamin A, K and zinc resulted in decreased mortality from cardiovascular disease - this was limited to obtaining these nutrients from food, not supplements.
Excess intake of calcium was associated with an increased risk of death from cancer - this was related to consumption of 1000 mg/day of supplement intake and not with calcium found in food.
What I covered:
  • A discussion of the results and what I found interesting.
  • We just covered this a couple of weeks ago, but there are numerous limitations with this kind of study which I discuss including the concept of causation vs. correlation.
  • What could be causing these results - I share my thoughts.
  • The importance of real food good first.
  • The importance of testing, retesting and optimization vs. just taking a supplement (or anything for that matter) Carte Blanche. 
Direct download: 319_Supplements.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07pm EDT

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."
If you've ever read a self-help book or spent any time scrolling through your phone, it's very likely that you've seen this quote by the philosopher Aristotle on the power of your habits.
However, as easy as it is to understand that your habits are important and that your beliefs, actions, and luck have gotten you the results you currently have, it doesn't tell you which habits you should adopt and how to implement those habits into your life.
Often times principles and ideas are easily understood, but deciphering which habits to adopt and how to adopt them is much more confusing. Just like it's easy to read a book and the mechanics of a push-up, it's much harder to learn and train to do 100 push-ups with impeccable technique.
The purpose of this podcast is for us to discuss our favorite habits that we believe have been responsible for our happiness, joy, and success.
These might not be the right habits for you, but they mean the world to us. More importantly, it is how we installed these habits into our life. Just like you, we weren't born a certain way, and change can be hard sometimes.
What we covered:
  • What is a habit, why is it important, and why have them at all?
  • Cue, Routine, Reward the three components of a habit according to Charles Duhigg and his book "The Power of Habit".
  • Which of our routines we think are the most powerful.
Direct download: 318_Success_Habits.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:42am EDT



A large recently published study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association concluded that adults who consumed higher amounts of cholesterol had an increased chance of dying from cardiovascular disease.
Cholesterol is thought to raise LDL (often referred to as 'bad' cholesterol) and is considered a risk for heart attack and stroke.
These results came at an interesting time since the U.S Government recently removed it's recommended restriction (300 mg/day) on cholesterol stating that 'cholesterol is no longer a food of concern for over-consumption.'
The general consensus among scientists was that cholesterol from food had little to do with what showed up in the bloodstream.
The purpose of this podcast is to take a look at and discuss the study.
What we covered:
  • How the study was conducted. The research... 29, 615 ethnically diverse people were questioned about what they ate and then were followed up with over 31 years, the median was 17.5 years.
  • The conclusion of the study - all things being equal, total serum cholesterol increases your chance of having cardiovascular disease.
  • The flaws of the study - as you can imagine there are many things that could have been done better and more accurately in a study like this, so we take the time and discuss some of the liberties taken by researchers. The questionnaire was only completed once asking participants to recall what they ate over the last year, serum cholesterol levels were not actually measured, changes in diet were not accounted for, etc.
  • We can't make recommendations on specific food choices but we will discuss whether or not this information is changing our eating styles.
Direct download: 317_Eggs__Cholesterol.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Every once in a while, I read or hear quotes like the following:
"A bad day for your ego is a good day for your soul."
"When ego is lost, limit is lost. You become infinite, kind and beautiful."
I'm not sure if I'm reading or hearing this more often than before, or whether I'm more sensitive to it now than I was in the past, but either way I disagree wholly and entirely with such sentiments.
Your ego is you - the part of you that is unique and distinct from everyone else. The part that reasons, decides, chooses, loves, achieves and thinks. It's the best part of you and denying it - or worse - creating a systematic plan on how to 'conquer it' does not lead to good in your life. 
I know this because for the first 20 years of my life I attempted to conquer my ego - it was not pretty and it led to a lot of pain, anxiety, and frustration. It wasn't until I started listening to that part of me that my life turned around dramatically.
The purpose of this podcast is to share my experience of how listening to my ego made my life better.
What I Covered:
  • Definitions of terms. I know this sounds incredibly boring but knowing precisely what's being talked about and what's not being talked about is the starting point to all knowledge. Is there a difference between ego, soul, consciousness, mind? Or, are all these the same thing?
  • Is it a wise strategy is disown parts of yourself? Or, would it be better to accept all of your elements and then change those parts that are not serving your goals or purpose?
  • Why your ego is not the enemy and why it's the potentially the source of the good in your life.
  • The importance of independent thinking and why being able to think, judge and chose are vital to our human nature.
  • Why it's essential to nurture and create a healthy ego and how to do that.
Direct download: 316_The_Ego.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Our kids are the most important members of our family. 
It's our job as parents to raise them and prepare them for meeting the challenges of the world. 
The challenge of raising healthy, well-adapted kids is harder now than it was for our parents. There are more social pressures, larger problems, and a much different society than when we were growing up.  Yet, human nature and children's physiological needs have not changed.
How can we as parents still meet the needs of our child in a society more difficult to traverse than ever? 
On this week's podcast, we look at an article from The Military Wife And Mom and share our thoughts about the habits to raise healthy children.
What we covered:
  • Why it's important to have boundaries with your kids and where some of our boundaries are with our children and why we chose them.
  • The purpose and importance of routines, the benefit of teaching your child a routine and why schools like Montessori implement them really well.
  • Why sleep is essential to a growing child. It's also marvelous to for adults!
  • How and why emotional intelligence is necessary for a child's health and development.
  • The need for human touch and connection.
  • Why playing with our kids is a great idea, and how we like to do it.
  • The importance of time spent outdoors.
  • How to give your kids responsibility around the house.
  • How to balance and manage screen time.
  • Why we love to create experiences for our kids vs. giving them only material things.
  • The power of joy and music.
  • And anything else we like to do as parents that we believe is essential to our children's growth and development.
Direct download: 315_Habits_For_Healthy_Kids.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Sorry about the swear word but it’s not us… it’s our guest.

Since the time this original episode aired, Mark Manson's book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F#*K has gone on to become a New York Times Bestseller.

Congrats to Mark!

We thought it would be fun to go back and listen to what Mark had to say about the principles in his book in this interview with Dr. Kreso.

The book is really about how to live a better life and that something we preach on Life By Design!

Mark is an author, blogger and entrepreneur. Mark writes about personal development and has a lot of people reading his stuff… so check it out.

What we covered:

  • Why most people seem to be continuously stuck and unhappy.
  • What you can do to become unstuck and start living a healthier and happier life.
  • Mark’s book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a ****" and how it’s different from all of the other stuff that’s out there.
Direct download: 314_Best_Of_-_Mark_Manson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

We've all been there before. You take out your phone, open your Facebook or Instagram app, start scrolling, start seeing pictures of people on vacation, new homes, new cars, date nights, cute, funny kids, lean trim physiques and you begin to think - wow, what's wrong with me, I don't have any of those things?
If you're lucky, those feelings end there, and you get back to your normal life, but sometimes the envy, jealousy, and resentment are much too intense and you end up becoming miserable and ruining your day.
The purpose of this podcast is to help give you some reasons as to why we behave this way and a practical strategy to implement so it doesn't happen that often.
What we covered:
  • Comparing is a necessary component of our human nature and part of how we form concepts. We can't and shouldn't get away from using comparisons, instead learn how to compare in a less negative way.
  • Why and how our cultural upbringing has played a role in making us chronically worried about the 'results' and 'status' or others - while taking our focus away from the only person who is truly responsible for our happiness - us.
  • Why social media is not a cause to unhappiness or why you compare yourself to others - it's the product of our human nature.
  • What, in our personal lives and experience, has been the best way of combating these feelings of "others are so successful, and I'm such a loser."
Direct download: 313_How_to_stop_caring_what_others_think.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Oh, the scale. How we all have a love/hate relationship with you.

Looking and feeling good in your body is a goal we should all strive to achieve, especially since it boosts your self-esteem, and helps give you confidence for taking on the day.

The purpose of this podcast is to discuss 5 reasons, that we typically see, as to why you're not reaching the ideal weight/body type that YOU want.

What we covered:

  • Why it's challenging to do things consistently that you hate doing. Muhammad Ali famously said, "I hated every minute of training, but I said: don't quit, suffer now and live the rest of your life like a champion." We all know that exercise and eating is part of getting the body you want, but hating it will make it hard to do.
  • You haven't been doing it long enough. It would be fantastic if the timeline you had in your head for achieving a goal were the correct timeline; unfortunately, it always takes longer than you think.
  • Aristotle, the philosopher not Dr. Kreso's son, famously said, "success is a habit, not an act." Consistency is critical - the shiny penny is fun to chase, but hardly ever leads you to where you want to be.
  • There is a lot of 'conventional wisdom' about weight loss and exercise that's not based on physiology, so creating a plan based around how your physiology works is critical to your success.
Direct download: 312.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Thursday, February 21st marks the start of the 2019 CrossFit Open.

Every year CrossFit crowns the fittest man and woman on the earth.

The way you earn this prestigious title is by winning the CrossFit games, and the way you get to the CrossFit games is by entering the CrossFit Open, placing well enough to go to regionals and then winning regionals.

We think you should register for the CrossFit open this year.

Why would we recommend this to you?

For many reasons one of which is not because we get anything from it. It's true we own a CrossFit and training facility with a similar approach, and in general, love the training model, but our recommendation has everything to do with you and your personal growth, development, and health.

We've all heard the saying that growth happens outside of your comfort zone, well, what better way to get uncomfortable about your fitness than registering for the CrossFit open.

Every year the same thing happens during the open. There are people there, who are scared and think they shouldn't be there and they absolutely blow themselves away with how great they perform.

We're willing to bet the same is right for you - deep inside you're much better than you think you are - and this is one way to challenge yourself to reach up and bit a bit better.

But it's not the only way...

On today's episode of Life By Design we talk about getting out of your comfort zone in general and discuss some of the other things you could do!

What we Covered:

  • The power behind reaching outside your comfort zone.
  • Safety first, please ensure that you're performing these workouts under the supervision of trained coaches and staff. CrossFit is fun but can be hard, do it correctly.
  • Why you need a standard to measure against.
  • Other ways to "get out of your comfort zone".


Direct download: 311_register_for_crossfit_games.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Growing up we were always taught that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast was supposed to serve as a way to get proper nutrients into our bodies and give us the energy to meet the many challenges and needs of the day.

It was also thought that eating a healthy (the jury is still out on what 'healthy' means) breakfast helped give us nutrients that would keep us full throughout the day, and would help us lose weight. However, a new study published in BMJ may disagree.

According to the study people who ate breakfast ended up about around 260 calories more per day than those that skipped breakfast and ended up weighing slightly more (less than a pound) than breakfast eaters.

The purpose of the podcast is to discuss the study, explain how we think this information is relevant to you and discuss the physiology of losing weight.

What we cover:

  • Discussion of the study, what we liked about it, what we didn't like about it and our interpretation of the results.
  • Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day, what about intermittent fasting and people who don't eat until much later?
  • Is weight loss just a simple calories in vs. calories out equation or is there more to it than that?
  • Do we eat breakfast, and if we do, what do we eat?
Direct download: 310_Breakfast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Skills are cheap passion is priceless

-Gary Vaynerchuk

As we search the internet looking for topics that we believe would be helpful for you, we can't help but feel overwhelmed.

Overwhelmed at the biases, overwhelmed at the atrocious and dishonest headlines, overwhelmed at context drops, overwhelmed at the rude poorly thought out comments towards others, overwhelmed at the lack of empathy and overwhelmed at the ignorance of one of the major factors that will actually make people's lives better... self-responsibility.

The overwhelm hit its peak while examining the Canadian Government's phase two of its new Food Guide release: the extra labeling of food that is 'high in sugar, high in saturated fat and high in salt.'

You might be wondering why it sounds like we don't like that idea?

We don't like that idea because it fails to bring into consideration the most important aspect of whether someone will buy the product and eat it - their desire. The old saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink, comes to mind.

Look at the tobacco industry. Is there anyone on the planet that doesn't know that cigarettes are unhealthy? Look at the labeling - it flat out says this product causes cancer (and other diseases) and has a horrifying and shocking graphic of a poor cancer surfer who is visibly disfigured by their condition. Yet, does this stop people from buying cigarettes?

It's overwhelming that the world has become a place where social pressure is replacing freedom of choice. Where if you have a different opinion than the mob, you need to be singled out and beat into submission.

The purpose of this podcast is to help preserve your mind as an individual and to help you understand that your choices and actions (both good and bad) should be yours, not your family's, not the government's, not your neighbour's, but yours.

What we covered:

  • Keeping the mind of the beginner - how to understand your biases and set them aside as you're learning and gathering information before you make a decision.
  • Since it's ultimately your life, we believe that your self-esteem depends on your ability to make decisions for yourself.
Direct download: 309.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

January 30th is Bell's Let's Talk day and we know what's coming...

Many people in our lives will share both excruciatingly painful and incredibly inspiring stories about their previous struggles and triumphs over their mental health challenges.

It's always surprising who posts because you would have 'never expected that person to have a mental health problem,' and that's exactly the point - there is not one person that's not affected by mental health challenges whether directly or indirectly.

The Canadian Mental Health Association reports that 1/5 people every year will have a mental health episode, almost 10% of the population will experience a major depressive state in their lifetime, and suicide is the leading cause of death from adolescence to middle age for both men and women.

These mental health struggles and challenges also include us. We have both had more than our fair share of problems, triumphs, successes, and misfires, and we believe sharing those with you could be of tremendous benefit.

The purpose of this episode is to share what, in our experience, we have found helpful in positively affecting our mental states and how we've managed to overcome our own, personal mental health challenges.

What we covered:

  • Our own person mental health challenges and what that meant growing up and in adult life.
  • How we've managed, and the tips and tactics that we have personally found the most helpful day to day in dealing with our own mental health struggles.
  • A review of books that we've read, courses we've taken, or people we've found that have been valuable in helping create and maintain our personal mental health.
Direct download: 308_Mental_Health.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

The FDA has announced that in 2021 there are changes coming to the way food is labeled in America.

Some of the changes include changing the serving size (they say nobody eats just 1/2 cup of ice cream), larger, bolded font for calories and a category of 'added sugars' helping people know the difference between sugars that naturally occur within the food vs. the ones that are added in.

The original idea of forcing food manufacturers to use food labels was transparency. It was assumed the more people that knew about what was in their food, the more they would be aware of what they were putting in their bodies and the better the decisions they would make.

But has that been the case?

The planned action and change has started a conversation and a debate about the whether food labeling has caused more harm than good with some research stating that food labeling, because of it's abstract terms, lack of public education and lack of over diet context, have done more harm than good.

What I Covered:

  • How to read labels using Eat By Design as a starting point and context. I'm not saying this applies to you, but this is how I do it.
  • The pros and cons of having labels and why reading them, even with a good amount of nutritional knowledge can be very difficult.
  • Why I don't believe changing the labels, even to more 'realistic' measures, will have a positive impact on people's health.
  • Some basics that, if you're going to read labels, you might want to watch out for. 
Direct download: 307_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

As it stands, there is no date set just yet but it has been confirmed that Canada is set to update their food guide. From everything we've read, it sounds like the updated food guide will be released sometime this year.
What's different?
As it sounds, from all the data and articles we could read, the new guide will be recommending fewer animal products, particularly dairy, and more plant-based products and whole grains.
Hasan Hutchinson, director general of nutritional policy and promotion at Health Canada, said that the goal was to base the recommendations on the best available evidence recognized by international organizations.
Hutchinson also said that his department is not saying that animal products aren't nutritious, stating the new guide will continue to recommend low-fat dairy, cheese, yogurt and leaner cuts of meat and poultry.
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss these changes and give our rationale for what we think, and what we would recommend.
What we covered:
  • The purpose of nutrition and what our body genetically expects from an evolutionary perspective. We've known about macro and micro-nutrients from some time now, so this isn't rocket science. This is important because to answer the question, what should I eat, you need to understand why eating is a value and how your body works.
  • A conversation about whether or not the current food guide helps us, as humans, meet our nutritional requirements.
  • A discussion about whether or not these proposed changes are in the right direction, keeping in context that we don't know exactly what all the changes will be.
Direct download: 306.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:13pm EDT

Of course it is!

Everything that any human interacts with in their environment alters their brain. Please don't just believe this headline because the obvious situation that's assumed here is that by 'altering' they mean in a negative way.

On today's podcast, we examine a study on how screen affects the brains of children and attempt to discern if this is something parents should be concerned about.
The study looked at 11,000, 9-10-year-olds throughout the United States and found that:
  • MRI scans found significant differences in the brains of some children who reported using smartphones, tablets, and video games more than seven hours a day.
  • Children who reported more than two hours a day of screen time got lower scores on thinking and language tests.
The article also mentioned the traditional concerns around screen time such as increased risk of obesity, increased risk of depression, how social media affects the brain, and sleep alteration.
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss these results and create context around what we believe you can realistically do about screen time with your child.
What We Covered
  • Don't just be a headline reader. If you're going to read something read the entire research paper before formulating an opinion. This article is a clear example of that.
  • What came first the chicken or the egg? Does the screen negatively affect your child's brain, or do children who have less cognitive potential crave more screen time?
  • Is screen really something that warrants your concern?
  • Why screen time and social media are very separate things and why you shouldn't equate the two.
Direct download: 305.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

There are many misleading health articles, plenty of half-truths and an abundance of incorrect information. On today's podcast we focus on the concept of becoming 'toned.'
Our definition of the word toned means - not just losing weight but maintaining or increasing your lean body mass in way that leads to visible muscle on your body.
So how do you do it?
Well, if you paid attention to most articles on the internet you would just have to perform these 8-10 different exercises every day, and in just a few short weeks you'd be toned. 
Can this advice work? Of course, if you've already done most of the hardest and longest work, changing exercises or adding different exercise comprised of different reps, tempos, and weight will help, but that's not the whole story.
The purpose of this episode is to give you a better and clearer understanding of what getting toned means and how to go about doing it.
What we covered
  • The difference between health and getting toned up quickly. We're willing to bet that you'd be a little more hesitant to trade your body for that body if you understood just how poor their health typically was.
  • Why habits are the real key to becoming toned in a sustainable way.
  • The importance of patience if you're going to do this the correct way.
  • The difference between optimal body types and forced body composition change.
  • Why the basis of proper body composition change is nutrition and what you need to know about it.
  • The basics of what's necessary in the kitchen.
  • The basics of what's essential in the gym.
Direct download: 304._How_to_Tone_Your_Arms.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

This is the last car (life) you're ever going to get... It's what you do now, today, that determines how your mind and body will operate ten, twenty, and thirty years from now.
-Warren Buffett
Buffett is an excellent example of learning and then applying what you've learned to catapult success. If you had asked him 20 years ago, he would have said that he didn't understand tech stocks and would not invest.
Two years ago, much to the investing world's surprise, Berkshire Hathaway (Buffett's holding company) made a sizeable purchase of Apple (a tech company) after which time Apple became the first company in history worth 1 trillion (yes with a T) dollars.
Seems like just because Buffett didn't 'know' about tech companies doesn't mean he was open to learning and using that to his advantage in the future.
So why do you care about this?
You care about this because it's the same way your life can become better.
2018 is almost over and the holidays are always a time for reflection... so what the heck did you learn? More importantly and less often thought about is, how you can leverage what happened to you in order to make better and smarter choices in the future? Decisions that, like Buffett, will lead to greater success.
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss our 2018, what we learned and most importantly, how we are going to turn those lessons into different actions for 2019 and beyond.
No this won't guarantee our success, but eventually, if you try enough different stuff and learn enough, success will follow.
What we covered:
  • The impactful things that happened to us in 2018 and what we learned from them.
  • How we plan to leverage those things into the future, meaning what behaviours/habits will we be changing moving forward.
  • What if those changes don't work...what's the next step?
Direct download: 303.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

In a recent study that was published by The New England Journal Of Medicine, probiotics given to children with gastroenteritis (commonly called the stomach flu) had no effect in helping treat the stomach flu.
Nine hundred seventy-one children were selected between the ages of 3 months to 4 years to participate in a randomized controlled double-blind study to measure whether probiotics had a positive effect on the treatment of the stomach flu. The conclusion reached by the medical team was the group treated with the probiotic showed no improvement over the placebo group, therefore, probiotics are not effective in treating the stomach flu.
The purpose of this podcast is to review the study but more importantly to apply the conclusion to the philosophical difference between disease treatment (the practice of medicine) and health creation - what we are encouraging with The Life By Design blueprint.
We do not doubt the study's results - although we are sure there could have been better measures taken by the doctors to ensure specificity (a bacterial culture was not performed) and repeatability.
What we covered
  • A review of the study and the findings.
  • So what and who cares? Just because the study found that probiotics don't treat the stomach flu doesn't mean that probiotics are useless and you shouldn't take them. There is more to life than just the treatment of disease.
  • A quick review of strategies vs. requirements - yes we do this every time because it's that important
  • A discussion around the requirements for creating health and why health is much more challenging to measure than disease treatment.
  • A discussion and assumption that supplements should not be used to treat any disease and that is not their purpose, but that doesn't mean that they are useless and should be ignored either.
Direct download: 302.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:03pm EDT

In a study published in the New England Journal Of Medicine, scientists and researchers were attempting to help kids with peanut allergies survive in a (for lack of better terms) peanut infested world.
The clinical goal of the research was to systematically expose the treatment group to small amounts of controlled peanut protein every day for 6 months and then a maintenance dose of peanut protein everyday for another 6 months in an effort to get the children to be able to consume a small amount of peanut protein with no ill effect.
In essence, the study is aimed at increasing the adaptability of the human body.
Why should you care about this? 
You care because adaptability, or at least that principle, is the very essence of health. If your body has a strong immune system - and one of the ways an immune system stays strong is it's exposed to a manageable level of bacteria and viruses - it gets stronger.
If you systematically expose yourself to heavier weights at the gym you get physically stronger. If you expose yourself to mental stress, you get mentally tougher, etc.
The purpose of the podcast is to help reinforce the idea that adaptability and improving it should be central to what you seek to do if you want to get the best out of your body.
What We Covered
  • A review of the article found on Healthline and most importantly the mechanism used by the doctors in the research study and how you can leverage the same concepts with your own health.
  • Why adaptability is one of the key aspects to maintaining and creating health in your body, and how a lack of adaptability can leave you open and susceptible to poor health, disease and infection.
Direct download: 301_Adaptibility_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Stand up straight and don't slouch.
Part of being a kid is having our parents tell us to stand up tall about a million and a half times. I'm sure our parents just wanted us to look good and not look like a lazy slouch... but who would have known just how accurate their advice was with regards to maximizing the health of our bodies.
Yes, it's true, many people the fear the 'ugliness' and sloppiness' that poor posture brings - nobody wants to have a massive hump at the base of their neck when they are older - but poor posture affects ALL aspects of your health and physiology - not just the physical ones.
The purpose of this podcast is to cover the adverse health effects that poor posture has on your body mechanics and physiology.
What We Covered
  • What is considered bad posture and why. It's one thing to know that having bad posture is bad for you, but why is it bad for you? What makes it that way?
  • A fundamental review of anatomy and physiology, specifically focusing on your spine and nerve system and how the neuro-spinal core is the control system of the body.
  • How bad posture affects the things you know about but how it might also be affecting things in your body you might not know about as well. Once you understand how the mechanics of your spine work, this will make more sense.
  • Tips and strategies for improving your posture. It's easy to say or think 'I'm just going to spend more time sitting up, or I'll get a stand-up desk that will help," but that might not be the best strategy.
Direct download: 300_posture.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

An article reviewing a study posted on October 23rd by the New York Times claimed that people who ate more organic meat, dairy and produce saw their cancer risk drop by 25%.

As you can imagine, and hence why we're doing a podcast on this article, the headline caught our attention.

Twenty-five perfect is quite a number. Imagine your salary increased by twenty-five percent? We would imagine you being very thrilled by this fact and rightfully so.

The purpose of this podcast is to break down the article and talk about the possible meanings and ramifications of such a finding, exactly what it means and how we believe you could best apply this to your life with the most amazing results.

What We Covered
  • Requirements vs. Strategies. Are you wondering why we start with this? I hope you are. You cannot escape reality and the nature of your body. Sometimes there are peer-reviewed published studies that seem to fly in the face of reality. The latest one that comes to mind is claiming eggs are just as dangerous as smoking. It's essential for you to remember how your body works and what your body needs to be healthy.
  • A breakdown of the study.
  • What this study and the conclusion could mean for you and your family's health.
  • What can you do if you're on a limited budget and can't necessarily buy organic food?
  • The hierarchy principle and where the most bang for your buck can be found with organic food.
Direct download: 299.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT



It's called a mindset because you get to choose how you want to 'set' your 'mind.' For us at Life By Design this idea was an instant game changer. It means that you get to dictate the pace of your life, it means that you get to be in control. 
To be totally clear, and to play devil's advocate for that last statement, it is true, nobody completely controls their lives. We interact with people whom we can't control, the outside world is mostly unpredictable, and crap hit's the fan for all of us. So how can you be in control? You are in control because you get to choose how you respond to the situations you are dealt.
Mentally tough people respond differently.
Charles Darrow, who lost everything during the 1929 stock market crash leading into the great depression, did not succumb to the malaise and fear of being without money, he created a game about losing money, and how to make more called Monopoly, I'm sure you've heard of it. I'm also sure you know that Monopoly still to this day, sells about 20,000 units per year. 
The purpose of this podcast is to review the article and give the Life By Design perspective on this list of 15. Do they apply and how can you leverage them in your life.
What I Covered
  • A play by play, step by step review of the article.
  • Which ones I liked, which ones I didn't and why.
  • How this all applies to you and how you can leverage it and grow.
Direct download: 298.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

In today's episode of Life By Design we bring back one of our favourite and most listened to episodes for a BEST OF week... 
No surprise it had to do with burning fat!
What if there was something simple you could do that would help switch your body from fat storing to fat burning?
What if it only took 10 seconds a day?
What if there were other amazing things (like better hair, younger looking skin, better concentration and improved mental function) associated with this ‘miracle’ cure.
To end the suspense go listen to today's episode of Life By Design. 
What we covered:
  • Why fat is your body’s preferred fuel source.
  • The purpose of fat and how we’ve had it all wrong.
  • What types of fat you should be eating every single day.
  • How a quality fish oil supplement can speed up your fat loss goals.
Direct download: 297_How_to_Burn_Fat_Not_Store_it_Best_of.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

It is always nice, and not surprising when you read research that supports the idea that improving health makes everything, in this case pregnancy and birth, more comfortable and better for the person who's health increased.
In a study published from the University of Alberta - 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise can result in a 40 percent reduction in the risk of developing gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia researchers discovered.
There was an interesting note that Margie Davenport, a cardiovascular researcher at the University of Alberta made, that pregnant women have been understudied in the past.
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss this research, what it means for pregnant women, and most importantly how to take and apply this research into tangible steps for you to be able to do something with it.
It is one thing to know that exercise is good for you, yet another completely different thing to be able to take that research and do something with it.
What We Covered:
  • Requirements vs. Strategies - Just because you're pregnant the physiological needs of your body have not changed. If anything, what was once 'good for you' becomes even more important since your body has greater biological demands placed on it.
  • We review the study and discuss the effects on pregnancy.
  • Can you really count the recommendations 150 minutes of moderately intense activity as enough or can you expect a little more from your body as a pregnant mama? 
  • What you should and shouldn't do, exercise wise, while pregnant. Especially if you've never exercised or trained in the past.
  • Other health boosting requirements for the pregnant woman.
Direct download: 296.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Autoimmune disease can be devastating.
Autoimmune diseases are challenging to diagnose (at best), can take various shapes and forms (hence the wide variety of diagnosed autoimmune disorders), can affect different organs and systems in the same person, and to top it all off, can act very differently in each person they affect.
The management of autoimmune diseases has been equally frustrating. Some patients respond well to traditional medical approaches; others do not. Treatment can also be time sensitive meaning what 'worked' before does not 'work' now; with no rhyme or reason as to why. Sometimes symptoms can lie dormant for years and then, seemingly out of nowhere, the patient has a massive flare up.
But one thing that seems to consistently help everyone with an autoimmune disease is to modify their diet.
This is not to suggest that changing your diet is a cure or even a treatment for autoimmune diseases, but it has been shown to help, even tremendously in some people.
The purpose of this podcast is to discuss our recommended protocol for Autoimmune Diseases and why we believe you should give it a try if you have an autoimmune disease and for some, if you just want to test your body out.
What We Covered
  • What is an autoimmune disease?
  • The proposed mechanism for the development of autoimmune diseases. The cat is far from out of the bag on this one and, there are many things we don't know. However, we do know something and that 'something' can really help.
  • A review of the Mark's Daily Apply Autoimmune Protocol, how it works, who it's for and why we like it.
  • Managing and helping to understand the psychology of food and eating.
Direct download: 295_The_Autoimmune_Protocol.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

At Life By Design we are big fans of knowledge.
As human beings, we depend on our minds and the mind's development not only to survive but to help us (humans) solve the problems that plague us every day.
Education should be paramount to both the learning and application of knowledge. Unfortunately, in some circumstances, it's not.
We believe that the youth of society, those that are going to carry the torch of humanity's future are not being equipped with the tools necessary to develop their brains fully and completely.
The purpose of this podcast is to share the requirements for education based on what we would like to see, and what we believe you, as a parent can do at home with your children to ensure that they are gaining and applying knowledge.
This podcast is not meant to be a political or a social attack on education. We want to share solutions and tips that we've found helpful for us as parents who know the importance of what a good education can provide to their kids. 
We would like to see more children educated properly so they can handle the responsibilities and challenges of life with confidence, ease, and grace.
What We Covered:
  • The purpose of education and why 'purpose' sets the goals and standards by how education is taught. To understand any method or system, you must first understand it's underlying purpose and goals.
  • Why it's crucial that education follow a hierarchy.
  • What you can do to help ensure your child reaps the benefits of your parenting and their schooling.
  • How you can begin integrating some of these ideas into your child's life.
Direct download: 294.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT