Life By Design Podcast
Despite what you may think, everyone experiences bad days.
Everyone gets tired, everyone questions themselves, everyone has moments of feeling inadequate, everyone has dark moments when they fear the worst, everyone feels like life is unfair, and everyone has days when they would swear there is someone out to get them because everything has just...gone...wrong.
I know you've met or know people who never seem to have a bad day or worse, you actually believe that nothing bad has ever happened to them or that they're somehow just lucky enough to avoid all the BS everyone else seems destined to endure.
If you are ever going to live an extraordinary life, you're going to have to learn how to deal with bad days. Because despite what you may believe, the more success you have, the more challenging situations tend to come your way.
On this podcast, we'll cover our strategies and tips for handling things when they don't go as planned.
What we covered:
  • What makes it a bad day? Do you think that your bad day could be someone else's good day? I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but fundamentally you have only one choice, and that choice is how you respond to any given situation. It's your decision whether something is bad, or whether something is leverage for growth. How can you make that a much easier choice?
  • How to gain perspective. Have you ever had something you perceived as bad happen, only to have something even worse happen close after? Isn't funny how your focus switched from the bad thing to the worse thing? Perspective works in many ways.
  • The power of training. Your mind and decision making is a habit, and like any other habit, it will take work to change. Are you busy doing the work? Do you know what work you need to do?
Direct download: 230_How_to_Handle_a_Bad_Day.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

The feedback from Think By Design has been amazing.
Here are some of the latest comments:
"I LOVE this Think By Design manual; it's just brilliant. So many people's lives pass by without them ever truly experiencing life to the fullest, you know? I don't want that for myself. I want to lay on my deathbed with no regrets, knowing that I lived my life as best I could for myself and others!"
"Honestly, it [The Think By Design Process] has been something I have just skipped in the past. It's apparently very different now that I have a daughter.. wow. This [The Legacy Branch] really moved me as no other branch has. I've spent years trying to figure out my purpose, and today was the day I found it, working through the legacy branch, crying like a baby on my front porch haha...Thank you for all the time and effort that has gone into developing Think By Design."
On this episode, we cover an overview of Think By Design. What is Think By Design, why it's been life changing for our community and how you can apply it to your life.
Here is what we cover:
  • The most important mental requirement and why you absolutely need to know (and do) this or you will be living someone else's life.
  • The most common mental hang-ups that you need to conquer or Think By Design will not work for you and, most importantly, you will not live an extraordinary life.
  • The steps and a general overview of Think By Design and why we feel it's different than other 'self-help' methodologies.
  • How to start applying this to your children and family.
Direct download: 229_Your_Most_Important_Asset.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

There's a new documentary that's gaining a lot of traction and has a lot of people talking. It's called What The Health.
It's a good piece of film making, and it touches on a lot of really important topics like food, the pharmaceutical industry, politics and the large farming industry. 
But, are the claims made in this movie true?
Since it would be extremely challenging to try to cover all aspects of the film in a thirty-minute podcast, we focus our attention specifically on the food argument.
There are some good sound arguments made in this movie, and there is a lot of compelling information to consider. On the other side, there are some down right lies passed as unquestionable truths.
The goal of the Life By Design Podcast today, is to give you our breakdown and some counter arguments to stimulate your brain and get you thinking.
Let us know what you think.
What we covered:
  • Nutritional requirements vs. strategies. It's important to know what your body needs and give it that. 
  • The cause of diabetes and how not be fooled into thinking it's anything but this. The best way to change is not the vegan version of's this.
  • How the pesky straw man keeps coming up...we really need to kill that guy for good.
  • Know your research - it's very easy to be tricked on the validity of 'science' if you don't understand how the study was conducted and what the flaws are of that particular type of study. 
  • Our recommendations for nutrition.
Direct download: 228_What_The_Health_Is_Up_With_That.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

Here we go again...
Not surprisingly, another raunchy, illogical attack has been launched against chiropractic.
All the older arguments are here and to be honest, some of them are absolutely true. 
We only call them like we see them and we won't pretend for one second that some of the allegations and claims made aren't true, they are. But, just because one thing is true does not translate into all else being true.
Our concern is simple...
We are not bothered by what other's think, (thankfully we live in a free country and other people's opinions are none of our business) but somewhere out there is a person who is going to wake up tomorrow morning and call the chiropractor for their first appointment. We definitely don't want the falsehoods propagated to change their mind and shortchange them on the positive impact properly applied chiropractic could potentially have on their life.
That breaks our hearts.
We want to present a rational, scientific, view of chiropractic for you to consider. Whether you agree with that viewpoint or not, or want the product or not, is entirely your choice...we simply hope it's a choice based on data, logic and objectivity.
What we covered:
  • How to not fall victim to a logical fallacy (A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning that renders an argument invalid.) We are living in a world where information is a commodity (log onto PubMed and you have access to the same studies as your doctor) but trust is at a premium. Someone is always trying to pull a fast one on you. Learn how to spot a fraud (no matter who) in their tracks. If you can get this lesson, your life will be vastly improved.
  • Why most (there are some legit ones) attacks on chiropractic are logical fallacies and the get the chiropractic side to the story.
  • How to pick a good chiropractor vs. when you should run away fast and never come back.
Direct download: 227_Is_Chiropractic_BS.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

If it is wasn't already difficult enough to be a mom...things just got trickier. Especially if ensuring your child is properly nourished is one of your goals.
Food to a growing child is keystone requirement. What do we mean by "keystone"? If you want to build a quality house you would only use the best materials, to build an optimally healthy child you would require the best quality materials as well, which in this example, means the highest quality fuel. 
In 2001 the World Health Organization published a study claiming that the minimum age a mother should even consider weaning a child off breast milk (provided you could breastfeed) was 6 months of age.
However, recent data has challenged that claim and caused a boat-load of confusion for a lot of caring moms and dads.
Our goal for this episode is to help pierce the veil and get to the heart of the issue. It's to help you know if 'research' like this is load of garbage or has some validity.
We want to do our best to help you decide what to do. 
What we covered:
  • Learn to separate the strategy from the requirement The requirement is not to breastfeed your child. The requirement is to supply your child with adequate nutrition. Breastfeeding just happens to be the best strategy.
  • Does breast milk have enough 'nutrients' to support a child exclusively to 6 months and beyond, or should you start to supplement sooner?
  • Peanuts and Gluten as introductory foods? Is it ever a good idea to give those to your kids, and what is the impact if you choose to?
  • Is this 'evidence' legit or could there be ulterior motives at play? Many of the researchers are being accused of working for formula manufacturers. Who can you trust and how do you know?
Direct download: 226_6_Months_of_Exclusive_Breastfeeding_Harmful.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT